Telefy Finance, One Of The Top Multi Chain System

Beautiful Articles
3 min readMar 24, 2022

About TeleFy

Telefy could be a Defi platform that has numerous options required by crypto users globally. The users are going to be ready to gain access to the innovative Defi platform and supply solutions for numerous users want. Users are going to be ready to realize options like swap, lend, NFT, credit score, and pad. These areas unit the options that today’s crypto users can want. Users globally are going to be ready to build exchanges, loans, raise funds, etc. additional simply and firmly with the service from Telefy.

The Top Multi Chain System

Telefy is the world’s initial multi-chain credit score orientation. it’ll assign a credit score to crypto wallets consistent with what quantity they hold, the number of their transactions, and numerous alternative factors. The system is going to be ready to calculate the trustiness of every one of those wallets and the way a lot of interest ought to be paid to them. It prevents numerous actions that might doubtless damage the platform and alternative users.

Features of Telefy Finance

Telefy has numerous options. The users will use it simply and quickly from their numerous devices. for instance, users are going to be ready to build loans or borrow simply and firmly from the Tele Lend platform. Later, users United Nations agency lend their assets can get a come consistent with the security interest. The users United Nations agency borrow is going to be ready to borrow additional simply and firmly. There area unit many alternative options of Telefy that users like:

How does TELE SWAP Work?

Tele Swap could be a multi-chain protocol that permits users to trade coins, adding liquidity by victimization AMM (Automated Market Maker).


Tele Lend could be a multi-channel, machine-driven disposal protocol. It permits users to lend or borrow victimization Tele Score.

The Tele Score

Tele Score could be a multi-channel protocol. It will be programmed to expeditiously calculate a user’s trustiness, supported their holdings, group action history, and a few alternative relevant parameters.


Tele PAD could be a multi-chain model. It supports Initial DEX Offerings (IDO) for users of United Nations agency own TELE Coin shares.


Tele NFT could be a multi-channel NFT marketplace. you’ll purchase or sell NFT. The Tele NFT protocol fee is going to be distributed to users United Nations agency stake TELE.

Some About TELE Token

Telefy launched could be a utility token to become a token on the platform. TELE token can have heaps of practicality specific to the Telefy platform. Users United Nations agency hold TELE tokens area unit entitled to be ready to use this token for his or her transactions. they will stake this token to earn extra financial gain. The users will simply purchase from supported exchanges.

Conclusion Of The Above Article

Defi is another monetary resolution. It will rival current banking services by giving additional innovative options and creating it easier for users. TeleFy is every one of the platforms that adopt the Defi protocol and might be another resolution for users United Nations agency area unit searching for the Defi platform. By giving numerous Defi options required by users, TeleFy can give users numerous Defi services. it’ll build it easier for them. By providing tele score, swap, lend, launchpad, and NFT, TeleFy is going to be ready to become a localized monetary platform. it’ll build it easier for users to access numerous Defi options.

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Erc-20 Wallet Address: 0x79488E9F005D860f523E3086754BF581231169F6

