Golang’s Garbage Collector: A Comprehensive Guide

Bikram Sarkar
3 min readJun 2, 2024


Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

Golang or Go, a statically typed, compiled programming language designed by Google. One of its key features is its efficient garbage collector (GC), which is crucial for memory management.

Let’s explore the architecture of Go’s garbage collector, how it works, its benefits and drawbacks, and how it compares with other garbage collectors.

What is Garbage Collection?

Garbage collection is the process of automatically reclaiming memory that a program no longer needs. This helps in managing memory allocation and deallocation without requiring explicit intervention by the programmer, thus preventing memory leaks and other related issues.

Go uses a concurrent, tri-color mark-and-sweep garbage collector.

1. Tri-Color Abstraction: The garbage collector uses three colors to mark objects:
White: Objects that are not yet marked.
Gray: Objects that are marked but their children (referenced objects) are not yet processed.
Black: Objects that are fully processed.

2. Concurrent Marking: During the program’s execution, the GC runs concurrently to mark objects that are still in use (reachable from the root set).

3. Sweeping: After marking, the sweep phase deallocates the memory occupied by objects that are not marked (white).

How Go’s Garbage Collector Works

1. Initialization: At the start, all objects are white.
2. Marking Phase:
— Roots (global variables, stack variables, etc.) are initially marked gray.
— The GC processes gray objects, marking them black and their referenced objects gray.
3. Concurrent Marking: This phase runs alongside the application, minimizing stop-the-world (STW) pauses where the application is halted.
4. Termination: After marking, the GC performs a brief STW pause to finalize marking.
5. Sweeping Phase: The GC reclaims memory from white objects in the background, allowing the application to continue running.

Advantages of Golang’s Garbage Collector

1. Simplicity: Go’s GC is designed to be simple and efficient, reducing the need for manual memory management.
2. Concurrency: The concurrent nature of Go’s GC minimizes STW pauses, ensuring better application performance.
3. Automatic Memory Management: This reduces the likelihood of memory leaks and other memory-related bugs.

Disadvantages of Golang’s Garbage Collector

1. Performance Overhead: While minimized, GC still introduces some overhead.
2. Latency: In latency-sensitive applications, even small pauses can be problematic.
3. Predictability: Predicting when GC will run and its impact can be challenging.

Tuning the Garbage Collector:

You can tweak Go’s garbage collector to enhance performance using environment variables and runtime functions:

  1. GOGC: This environment variable controls the GC aggressiveness. The default value is 100, which triggers GC when the heap size has doubled.
export GOGC=200

2. runtime.GC(): You can manually trigger garbage collection.
3. SetGCPercent: Use `runtime/debug.SetGCPercent` to adjust GC percentage programmatically.

import "runtime/debug"

Comparison with Other Garbage Collectors

Java’s Garbage Collector: Java offers multiple GCs (e.g., G1, Shenandoah) with different performance trade-offs. Go’s GC is simpler but may not offer the same level of customization.
Python’s Garbage Collector: Python uses reference counting with a cyclic garbage collector. It can be less efficient than Go’s concurrent GC.
Rust: Rust doesn’t use a GC; instead, it relies on ownership and borrowing rules for memory management, which can lead to more predictable performance but requires more effort from the programmer.

Golang’s garbage collector is a powerful tool for automatic memory management, designed to be efficient and easy to use. By understanding its architecture and how it works, we can leverage its strengths and mitigate its weaknesses to build performant applications. Tuning the GC using environment variables and runtime functions can further enhance application’s performance, making Go a robust choice for software development.

