Ex-serviceman’s family requests Karnataka Revenue Minister to help with Land Registration

2 min readOct 2, 2021


My father, a retired 82-year old military officer, who served in Indo-Pak wars has the title to a 20 Gunta (half-acre) land in Vaderahalli village in North Bengaluru.

My father had been unsuccessfully trying to get the Katha (land title) registered in his name. He ran from pillar to post spending his life savings on touts and agents who promised to get the documents registered.

I decided to take the matter to the Karnataka High Court. The honorable High Court passed a judgement directing the office of Bangaluru Deputy Commissioner (DC) to review and adjudicate the matter.

It has been 1.5 years since that High Court order, and I have been unsuccessful in following up with officials despite filing several RTI requests. Due to COVID-19 risk, I am unwilling to subject my elderly parents to futile trips to the DC office.

I would like to request the Revenue Minister to direct officials of Revenue Department in Bengaluru DC office to review and dispose off the matter at the earliest

Details of the case-

  • Case File in Bengaluru Special DC — RRTVG 136(3) NACR04/2018–19
  • Judgements passed by Karnataka High Court — Writ Petition order — WP46964 of 2017 / Writ Appeal WA6697 of 2017
  • Land in Survey Number 36 in Vaderahalli village, North Bengaluru.
  • Land in Vaderahalli village originally granted to several people by the government in 1978 when that area was ‘gomala’ — a common pasture.


