4 programming languages to play with when you are bored with the usual C, C++, Java, Python stuff

Parthajeet Deva Sarmah
4 min readJul 6, 2022

Imagine you are at a park sitting on a bench. You have had a very amazing day so far. Another person comes and sits besides you. You start talking to them. Now this person says they are a programmer. You get really excited to hear that because you fancy yourself as one as well. You ask them what languages they know. They say the same old stuff :- C, C++, Python, Java, JavaScript, HTML (wait, is that even a programming language ??! 🤔), yada, yada. You quickly lost interest because every other programmer you have ever met knows the same stuff!! But then you decide that you want to be unique and a not-so-traditional programmer….so now you need cool new programming languages to learn, right ? This is where I come in 😄! Let’s introduce you to the world of some cool new hip programming languages that you might not have heard of before. Let’s roll.


Julia is a high-level programming language. While it is designed to be a general-purpose language, many of its features are suited for the field of data science.

Julia Programming Language

Created by the efforts of Jeff Bezanson, Stefan Karpinski, Viral B. Shah and Alan Edelman, Julia was launched in 2012, three years after its actual work started i.e. in 2009. Since then, it has seen a growing community of users and has been receiving updates till date.

According to freeCodeCamp.org, “Julia is a high-level, dynamic programming language that’s fast like C but easy to use like Python!” Now that’s some high level of praise for a programming language, believe me! In fact, Julia is such an amazing language that it has its own convention called the JuliaCon which has been regularly held since 2014 (how amazing is that!)

Julia has seen its uses in lot of fields. Data visualization, general-purpose, machine learning, scientific domains, parallel computing…all can be done with the help of just one programming language, Julia! So, Julia is definitely a language you have to try 😇!!

To learn more about Julia, visit their official website or visit their GitHub page.

Fun Fact - You would be surprised to know but most of Julia is built by the help of Julia itself (It’s like Inception of Julia)! The rest of it was built using C++, C, Scheme and LLVM.


This one is a weird one! Orca, formally defined as an esoteric programming language has one of the weirdest programming designs that you are ever gonna see!

Orca Programming Language. Does this make any sense to you??

Orca, created and maintained by Hundred Rabbits, has its use particularly in sound and music creation as it is used to create procedural sequencers. Sequencers allow you to program notes, rhythms, articulations and effects that can be sent to pretty much anything from your Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) to any hardware synthesizers.

Although its usage terms are very interesting, it is the programming design behind the language that I find mind-boggling 🤯! Orca uses all the letters of the alphabet as operators! So, A is an operation to add, B is an operation to subtract and so on. This creates for some hypnotic code that looks like it came straight out of The Matrix.

This programming language will definitely make you question if you even know programming in the first place. You will have the strangest of times hanging out with this language!


Okay this is kind of a cheat. But hold on! ArnoldC, without a doubt is the most hilarious programming language I have ever seen. It is an imperative programming language where the basics are replaced with the most well-known quotes from different Arnold Schwarzenegger movies.

ArnoldC Programming Language. GET TO DA CHOPPA!

ArnoldC does not do anything new in the programming business. But, due to the replacement of its syntax with Arnold Schwarzenneger lines, it had to make the list. After all, It is Arnold Schwarzenneger we are talking about!

ArnoldC will definitely make you one step closer to being a true Arnold Schwarzenneger fan and also a chill programmer! 😂😂


Odin is a general-purpose programming language with distinct typing built for high performance, modern systems and data-oriented programming.

Odin Programming Language

Odin is an open source programming language. The people at Odin consider it to be the C alternative for the Joy Of Programming. Odin has been designed for scalability and readability. It offers a very high performance through low-level control of the memory layout.

Odin runs in production among the giants of the games and film industries: Bethesda, CAPCOM, Codemasters, THQNordic, Warner Bros, Weta Digital and counting 🤯.

You can check out Odin at their official website or on their Github page.

SO, those were all 4 languages that I wanted to share with you. Hope you try on some of them and enjoy! Keep coding!

