Transforming with an Open Garden

Sean Roberts
2 min readJan 18, 2017


I was invited to speak at one of the TODO meetings, 17 Jan 2017, at the Yahoo Sunnyvale offices. My talk was centered around Open Source First as a strategy using the Open Garden Development and Project to Product concepts.

What is the TODO group

The primary purpose of the TODO group is to bring together companies who run open source programs. Open source leaders, as a community, do not talk amongst ourselves very often. We deal with lawyers, security, and technology products, so being shy comes as no surprise. Henceforth to combat the lack of communication, the TODO group was formed to help improve the shared knowledge. Generously, the Linux Foundation supports the TODO group as one of the Linux Foundation Collaborative Projects.

Open Garden as part of Open Source First

My talk highlighted the accomplishments of Walmart as a company and OpenStack as an open source software development community. I want the success of OpenStack as software development community to work at Walmart. Therefore, I have created an strategy for success called Open Source First to work on making this happen. To begin with, we have started with the Open Garden Development and Project to Product parts of the plan. Put simply, we are improving collaboration through better communication and creating a better workflow from feature development to product implementation. For your review, find the talk slides are below for more details. For more information on the Linux TODO group visit

#UPDATE 08 Feb 2017: I rewrote the first paragraph with better verbiage and added a second paragraph with details on the content of the talk

Originally published at sarob.



Sean Roberts

You can find thoughts, articles, and projects I have worked on here.