Difference between GUI, UI, and UX

Sarper Makas
2 min readSep 14, 2023


Microsoft Designer

User interfaces play a pivotal role in determining the success of digital products and applications. The terms GUI (Graphical User Inerface), UI (User Interface), and UX (User Experience) are often used interchangeably.


GUI, short for Graphical User Interface, forms the foundation of a user’s interaction with a software application or device. It primarily focuses on the presentation and layout of on-screen elements, such as buttons, menus, and windows.

  • Aesthetic design: GUIs prioritize aesthetics, aiming to create visually pleasing and engaging interfaces.
  • Interactive elements: They include buttons, sliders, checkboxes, and more, which allow users to interact with the software.
  • Visual consistency: A GUI maintains a consistent look and feel throughout the application for a seamless user experience.


User Interface, or UI, covers the overall interaction design in addition to the visual design. While GUI focuses on appearance, UI addresses how users engage with the product.

UI designers are responsible for creating intuitive and user-friendly interfaces.

  • Navigation: User interface (UI) designers make sure users can quickly locate and access the features they require within the application.
  • Responsiveness: When a user enters data, UI elements should react quickly, conveying fluidity and responsiveness.
  • Accessibility: Making the product usable by users with disabilities is an essential component of UI design that ensures equality.


User Experience, or UX, adopts a wider viewpoint by taking into account every element of a user’s interaction with a product. Although it includes GUI and UI, it also looks at practical aspects of the user journey.

  • User research: To better understand user needs, behaviors, and pain points and to inform design decisions, UX designers conduct user research.
  • Information architecture: UX experts logically arrange features and content to improve user comprehension.
  • Usability testing: Based on feedback from actual users, frequent testing and iteration help to improve the user experience overall.

