5 min readFeb 23, 2023

How to avoid heart Disease by only 4 steps
by Sarthak SAINI

Nowadays, heart diseases are a common and major problem. Cardiovascular disease or heart disease like unstable angina (unstable angina can be undiagnosed chest pain or a sudden worsening of existing angina), heart attack, heart failure, arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythms), valve disease, high blood pressure, congenital heart condition, inherited heart conditions, etc. These heart diseases are very hazardous but if you take care of your heart, disease can’t touch you. Here, I am telling you some steps that avoid heart diseases.

1. Eat low fat and high fiber diet

Low fat diet puts less pressure on our heart. Like green leafy vegetables, fruits, bean and legumes, sweet potato, tart cherry juice, cruciferous vegetables, mushrooms, garlic, ancient grains, white lean fish, low fat dairy, egg whites and many more. They are rich in important nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and protein. High fiber foods maintain blood sugar level, lower cholesterol, help in digestion, and help in maintaining a healthy weight, type 2 diabetes and reduce danger of colorectal cancer by 16 - 24%. These are pears, strawberry, avocado, apple, raspberry, banana, carrot, beet, broccoli, artichoke, brussels sprouts, lentils, kidney beans, split peas, chickpeas, oats, almonds, dark chocolate, black grape raisins, etc. A research was conducted on eating high fiber food, and the result as per 1000 participants, the impact shown into 13 fewer deaths and 6 fewer patients of coronary heart Diseases. So, you should start eating high fiber and low fat food.

2. Being physically active

Physical activities enhance strength, immunity, flexibility, metabolism, mental health, and prevent heart problems. Physical activities increase the ability of muscles to pull out oxygen from blood and reduce the efforts of the heart to pump more blood to tissues and muscles. It calms your mind and make stress free. Exercise improves the quality of sleep and make better and deeper sleep. A 30 minutes of exercise makes the heart more healthy, happy, energized and productive than doing nothing. Exercises like brisk running, cycling, swimming, running, jumping rope and playing tennis are more effective. In yoga, many asanas particularly affect the better functioning of the heart. Like shirshasana, matsyasana, bhujangasana, etc. Yoga is the best way to make the heart healthy. Add at least 30 minutes of physical activities and 30 minutes of yoga in your daily life routine. It promotes your health and makes you live longer. So, you must start doing physical activities.

3. Take deep and better sleep

Taking a better and deeper sleep affects your health in a very immense way. In deep sleep our mind digests every important thoughts, perceptions and things as our digestive system works, pees every extra thought, element, chemicals and negative things like our excretory system does. So deep sleep is very important for our mental and physical health. Peoples mostly spend about half the night in light sleep, but in the next phase which is deep sleep (most effective phase), blood pressure falls down by 20 - 30% by the rest of time. This is the time when your heart repair itself. Deep sleep give time to our heart for taking rest. You can see, patients who have heart problems they also have sleeping disorders. In a study, shows that older adults that take irregular sleep schedule continuously from five years have nearly twice the chances of developing heart diseases compare to those who take regular sleep patterns. An adult should take 7-8 hours of sleep daily. Too much sleep or too little isn’t good for the health either. Taking deep sleep is must for proper functioning of our heart. So, take better and deep sleep for your heart and live longer.

4. Avoid tobacco and alcohol

Tobacco and alcohol are the major causes of heart disease. Smoking makes the veins and arteries narrow which creates problems in pumping blood by the heart. Smoking is the main cause of clogging. A heart attack usually happens when the blood clots or cuts off the blood flow of the heart. Alcohol makes the heart weak and irregular heartbeats. Drinking alcohol increases the heart rate and blood pressure which creates diseases like heart attack, heart failure and strokes. Excessive drinking promotes cardiomyopathy and damages the main heart muscles. In a study, 744 adults over 40 years of age have twice the risk of heart attack, heart failure and cardiovascular diseases as compared to those who never drink alcohol. Even the, peoples who consume few cigarettes a day have twice the risk of heart failure and blood vessel disease as compared to those who consume none. So, you must avoid tobacco and alcohol for your and your heart’s health.

" The problem with heart disease is that the first symptom is often fatal." – Michael Phelps.

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Here, I told you 4 easy steps to make your heart healthy. So, now add these in your daily routine. And keeps your heart healthy.

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