How I Passed Google Cloud Engineering Exam.(My Journey)

5 min readMar 7, 2020


Hi there!I am Sarveshwaran S. Currently doing my bachelors in Computer Science at Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering,Bangalore.

If you’re here, then it’s most certainly because you want to know how to get started with your journey in Google Cloud. I was on the other side of this screen less than half a year ago , looking up blog posts that could help me understand what cloud is and how Google Cloud would help me big time in my journey to become a Google certified cloud engineer.

Alright, I’m going to tell you how Google Cloud certificate was my best bet to acing Cloud tech alongside a Global certification to add to my resume.

I began my journey in the month of August with three web resources — Coursera, Qwiklabs and the Official Google Cloud Study guide. Now, I had absolutely no clue about what Google Cloud was until Google as part of their Google career readiness program conducted Study Jam providing Coursera courses and access to Qwiklabs to get hands-on experience in cloud.

Google career readiness program introduced me to cloud and provided me the resources required to be certified as a Cloud engineer.

I began with the commitment to complete the course on Coursera, every week completing the assigned videos, quiz and hands on lab on time. This took place over a course of 6 weeks and I enjoyed what I was learning because it equipped me with information that I could practically implement in the real world. Topics such as Compute engine, Cloud Storage, Global VPC (Virtual private network), Loading and Balancing, Auto scaling and IAM (Identity and Access management) gave me an image of how I could set up an enterprise class infrastructure.

All this in turn would let me start my own profitable firm one day, the best part about using these resources is that, I pay for what I use. Thus, it reduces my worry of finding an investment for high grade servers, storage, network and security. This is a good start for any entrepreneur venturing towards a million-dollar idea.

The Courses to take up in Coursera is mentioned in “All The Resources Needed To Clear Associate Cloud Engineer Exam

It would be an easier if you made a group of people who have the same drive and desire. I did the same when I conducted a 3-week study jam. I found team members who had the drive and desire to be certified as Cloud engineers, used a management tool called Proof Hub (It provides a 3-week free trial). We set a deadline and started completing a chapter a day from the Google Official study guide.

Even though we had minor hurdles we were able the complete the entire book.

The Official books provide you with the facts of GCP product and you need to connect those facts together to actually solve the questions in Cloud engineering Exam. The official Google Cloud Study Guide is available in “All The Resources Needed To Clear Associate Cloud Engineer Exam

I would recommend take up the exam only if you are familiar with the commands . I have come up with a series of commands which I had practiced and is available on “All The Resources Needed To Clear Associate Cloud Engineer Exam

Coursera provided me an opportunity to learn each Google Cloud product and Qwiklabs provided the ability to work on GCP (hands on). I have linked some important quests to take on “All The Resources Needed To Clear Associate Cloud Engineer Exam

Since I was part of the Google Cloud career readiness program, I was eligible for 50% off on the certification, so it was no brainer. I wanted to decide on the date to take up the exam but I was very unsure about passing the exam. Out of anxiety, I managed to select the last day of the voucher’s validity, after all it was now or never. On the day of the exam and there were so many things on my head and I was having mental breakdowns thinking of what questions would appear, if they’d be simple or complex and mostly if I’d make the cut or not. The only thing I did was to was revise all the commands I’d learnt.

My exam commenced at 12:30, and I gradually went with the flow.I started off by reading the questions, for the ones I was very sure , I answered them right away and for the ones I wasn’t sure, I picked the most probable answer by elimination and marked for review. For the ones I had no clue I just skipped them. After completing 50 questions I started again from the beginning and reviewed each answer individually. I randomly guessed some which were difficult to comprehend. Post an hour, I clicked “Finish” and it was the moment of truth.

After nearly 6 months of hard work the results were on my screen. I couldn’t believe my eyes and read the same line at least 10 times, it said “Pass” and that’s how I passed in Associate cloud engineering exam.

And a word of warning,

You can clear any certification using question banks, and you will find a lot of them online but , what use is a certificate of, when you just don’t know what you’ve been already certified for.Needless to say that IF caught, the consequences are severe, to the extent of being blacklisted and being considered unfit for hiring in core IT sectors.

I would suggest that you go through the entire process and make use of the resources provided to be certified as an associate cloud engineer.

Special thanks to Tahniya for helping me write this blog.Get in contact with her for queries on Pen Testing and Web Development.

Get in contact with me on Linkedin for any queries.

Continue Reading:

If you want all the resources I used to pass Associate Cloud Engineer exam check out:

All The Resources Needed To Clear Associate Cloud Engineer Exam

If you want to know more about the exam itself check out:

Everything You Need To Know About Associate Cloud Engineer Exam.

If you are a beginner in cloud then check out:

Google Cloud Platform And Its Products For Beginners.(Overview)

