Ugly truth of Pebble #FreeOurPebbleTime campaign

Sarun W.
3 min readJun 4, 2015


This morning I came across articles about Pebble asking Apple to approve their iOS app,, and their kickstarter campaign

Working as iOS developer this got my attention, but after I read it. I feel little disappointed on Pebble team for put the blame sorely on Apple.

First here are some technical terms on Apple review process that you have seen in those articles.

Preparing for submission: At this stage developer didn’t ready to submit the app yet, they are preparing icon, screen shot, description etc.

Waiting for review: On the day that developer think their app is ready to ship, they will submit to Apple for a review. This stage mean you app is line at the end of current waiting queue, quite long one since there are many developers out there.

In review: As you can guess, Apple review team is reviewing.

Pending developer release: This stage mean Apple has approved the app and its up to developer to decided when will they release the app.

Developer rejected: This mean developer want to rejected this version, may be because they want to change something. This process like a reset button, you have to start the whole process again thats mean you have to go at the end of the queue.

Enough with the terms, and here is the evidence Pebble show us.

Status history of Pebble Time Watch

As you can see the first submission is on May 4–18 which is a total of 15 days. Based on my experienced (7~14 days) and complexity that its need Pebble watch to test I would say it quite normal.

But on May 22, they decided to put the app down as I mentioned earlier you are now back to the end of the queue. With a simple math and statistic you can have a rough estimate that it will be approved on June 4 which is the day that they write this article.

From the fact up to this point I see nothing wrong from the way Apple review process always be for years.

And here come the ugly truths

We unfortunately cannot simply publish the original submission approved on May 18 due to quirks in the AppStore submission process and rules.

We as iOS developer faced the same faith here, no luck or quirks involved in this.

We considered adding Pebble Time support to the existing Pebble iPhone app. Sadly, that app also has a pending update — containing one bug fix — in Apple’s review process. Version 2.6.6 remains “in review” now for 43 days and counting.

They come up with a second plan to update existing app, but they say its “in review” for 43 days and can’t update. We have 2 facts here:

  1. 43 days it absurdly long review process, they should definitely complain and blame Apple about this.
  2. But this is another app I don’t know why they mentioned it here the 43 days pending review is just a bug fix of the original app that has nothing to do with this new Pebble Time Watch.

Last year was the first and only other time Pebble requested expedited review for an app update. That update was approved and published on the AppStore within 24 hours.

They mentioned about “Expedited” AppStore Reviews. And yes it can be 24 hours fast (I have used it once too), but if you are iOS developer you have to know that this expedited isn’t guarantee as it clearly note in

Please Note: Expedited reviews are granted on a limited basis and we cannot guarantee that every request will be expedited.

From developer to developer

We know that Apple review process is a pain ***, but its been like this for years and you should know that (If this wasn’t your first app submission). Based on your timeline you have to admit that you are the one who screw up the schedule and miss your first shipments on May 27.

On such a big and important event like this, even your first submission, May 4, is still too risky if you ask me.

Updated June 6 (15 day review process): The app is now available in the iTunes App Store.



Sarun W.

iOS Developer at Oozou — Code & design iOS app — Follow me on for everything iOS — Blogging weekly at