Sarvasv Kulpati
1 min readAug 29, 2017


I think this is an interesting point, and one that I have seen has made an impactful difference in my life. After learning about cognitive bias, I tried to train myself to be aware of how it affects every decision.

Now, most of the times I am aware when I am not in the correct frame of mind and am about to make a decision on incorrect and illogical thought.

To me, it seems it all comes down to awareness, just as the researchers you refer to. As long as I am aware that my thoughts are misinformed and skewed due to a bias, I can control my decision process accordingly.

However, I do think it requires practise, since this came to me naturally only after months of trying to be aware of my thoughts.

Even so, are these biases necessarily bad? They have evolved to help us survive, and although admittedly, many of them do not help, in some situations they can.

For example, take information bias. For certain tasks, like building a rocket or as a lawyer, more information is the only way you can be sure of success. If a small detail goes missed, it can mean a lost case or a rocket that’s blown up.

Can you come up with more useful uses of biases? What is your take on this?



Sarvasv Kulpati

Writing about technology, philosophy, and everything in between.