3 min readJun 18, 2021


The some interesting facts about telegram.

Introduction: hi hello everyone today we will discuss about new and amazing facts about telegram and telegram is a one of the best social media app and one and half population of the world always find something in a telegram so today we will discuss about there about telegram audience and many more .

So let's start begins........

A) What are all these people doing in Telegram?

1) the telegram,s Half of users are subscribed to less than 15 channels.
2) 33% of subscriptions have more than 25 channels.
3) A third of the respondents regularly read up to 5 channels and another third - from 6 to 10.

4) The most read channels write about news, they have 82% cover in that area of our telegram at about reading.

5) industry news is regularly read by 43% of respondents.

6) Entertainment, as well as political channels, are read by 59% of the audience. Education has almost the same number of regulted readers.

7)80% of respondents use Telegram for personal correspondence.

8)38% communicate at work and another 17% correspond with clienand .50% of respondents read channels, 17% run their own channels.

9) 35% answered that they will give it use it there own there bot.
10) world s one and half world s population are daily visit Instagram for find something new in telegram.

10) when telegram is better than option than a WhatsApp for a chatting .

B) Most used features of our telegram :
1) calls (54%)
2) voice messages (48%)
3) archive (44%)
4) folders (39%)
5) video messaging (33%)
6) video calls (28%)
7) participation in group voice chats (26%), 20% of users listen to audio broadcast.

There are seven features most of the people use in telegram.

C) Some amazing audience research facts.:

1) TG Stat conducted a study in which 70,000 people from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries participated.

2) which numbers are used men and women are used telegram?
there answer is 61% - men, 39% - women
A third of users are in the 25-34 age range.
21% from 18 to 24 years old and the same amount from 35 to 44 years old.
18% over 45 and 7% of the audience under the age of 17.

3) 22% of Telegram users are work in IT.

4 ) 20% media are in production and trade.

5) 4 to 7% are engaged in marketing, education, services, finance, healthcare, or work in the media and More than half of the respondents have higher education.

Conclusion ; today we will discuss about telegram and there amazing facts and there audience facts and there users facts I hope you will got it something new about telegram and there unknown facts. I hope this article s of a blog add some knowledge about telegram to you.

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