5.1) App Screen 2 “Add Intake” for Calorie Counter

Sarvesh Narkar
3 min readAug 21, 2017


Hello everyone!! Nice to see you all keeping in touch with our progress in the Hasura Internship. In the last week , we completed our first app screen i.e the ‘Personal Info’ screen along with the Login and Signup pages. The next task for us to develop the second screen of our app. Lets proceed towards understanding it .

In our first screen, we calculated the total intake of calories daily for the user. With these value, he/she will be able to track his/her intake. For tracking ,he/she has to know the calorie value for all the food items he/she is consuming . Addressing this problem, we have created the ‘Add Intake’ screen.

The User Interface of the ‘Add Intake’ screen is as follows:

  1. Add Intake

The ‘Add Intake’ screen gives the user 3 values to enter wiz, Meal type eg. breakfast, the name of the food item he/she had and the quantity of it. Being beginners of Android and having limited knowledge of the back end, it was not possible for us to all the food items known to us. After a discussion with my partner, Ms. Sayali Jawre, we shortlisted about 40 items which are more frequently consumed by the masses. As we had a selected number of food items in our database, we thought of adding a suggestion to that field . This will be more comfortable to the user as he will get all the available choices by just entering a single letter.

Suggestion in Google search

For making it more simpler for the user, we added a suggestion,in Android which is accomplished by using a MultiAutoCompleteTextView, for the Meal type input as well.

Suggestion for Meal type field
Suggestion for Food item.
Completely filled page.

When the user fills the complete details in this screen, as per the name of the food item and the quantity amount, the total calories consumed by having this food item is calculated and send to the next screen i.e ‘Total Intake View’. Thus, the user can add any number of food items through this screen and view the details on the next screen.

Link to the latest app is here : My Calorie Counter

We are done with the second screen of our app. In the upcoming week, we will go through the development of the last screen i.e ‘Total Intake View’ screen. Till then, Ciao!!

