First Summer Internship With Hasura

Sarvesh Narkar
2 min readJun 12, 2017


TASK 1.1) 3 Screen App Idea

Hello readers!! This blog series will cover the entire journey (a very long and a memorable journey of 2 months)of me and my partner Sayali Jawre, of our ‘First Summer Internship with Hasura’ (it is that important to be included in quotes :D). So lets get started with this very interesting and a wonderful journey(Pretty excited myself!!!).

Being an Engineering student it is a must for every student to have at-least one internship under his/her belt so as to have an upper edge over other aspiring students. I got to know about ‘The Introduction to Modern Application Development’ aka ‘IMAD’ course from a close friend. Being an enthusiastic programmer, I took up the course and did it quite well. Then within a short span of time after the result being announced, there came an email reading ‘You have been tentatively selected for an internship at Hasura this summer’. I was delighted with this news and was very eager to start the internship which needed the interns to create a 3 Screen App.

I personally wanted to create an app that has a social issue related to it but also has to be interesting to me so that I can give my best to create it. After a lot of Brain-Storming with my partner for this internship Ms Sayali Anant Jawre, we got a very interesting idea. As nowadays people often end up eating a lot and don’t know the amount of calories they are putting on, we thought it would be great if we create an app that helps people manage their diet. All they have to do is enter their current weight and as per their bodily makeup(height and weight) we will provide them a goal weight and the daily calorie intake. With this app, people will know how well are they approaching their goal weight or are drifting away from it.

The next phase is about designing a prototype which will be covered in the next blog.Till then Ciao!!!

