sarvojeet bhatta
5 min readAug 11, 2023

The early morning sun cast a warm golden glow over the bustling streets of Kolkata. As the city awakened, its usual cacophony of sounds filled the air. Among the rushing crowd, a tall, impeccably dressed man stepped out of a taxi, his eyes scanning the familiar streets of his childhood.

Arjun Sen, a promising lawyer at a prestigious firm, had returned to his hometown after a bitter divorce that had left him emotionally shattered. It had been a decade since he left to pursue a successful career as a lawyer in the city, leaving behind memories, and a broken heart.

Arjun had returned to Kolkata with a heavy heart, his divorce finalizing just weeks ago. He needed a break from the relentless demands of his job and the bitter memories that haunted him. As he walked down the crowded streets, he found himself drawn to a quaint bakery with a sign that read “Bake Me Happy.” Memories flooded back to him, of a time when he was just a teenager, and this bakery was his refuge.

Pushing open the door, he was greeted by the warm aroma of freshly baked bread and pastries, & the laughter of his old friends, and most of all, the enchanting smile of his first love. All the old memories were flooded in front of him when he entered that bakery.

Arjun found a corner table and ordered a coffee, his fingers tapping restlessly on the table. As he sipped his coffee, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see a middle-aged woman with kind eyes and a warm smile.

“Well, well, if it isn’t Arjun Roy!” she exclaimed, her eyes widening in recognition.

Arjun blinked in surprise, struggling to place the face. Then, a light of recognition sparked in his mind. “Mrs. Sen?” he asked incredulously.

“The one and only,” she replied, her laughter musical. “It’s been ages, hasn’t it?”

Arjun felt a lump in his throat as he nodded. “Yes, it certainly has.”

Mrs. Sen studied him for a moment, her eyes filled with concern. “You’ve grown into a fine man, Arjun. But I can see pain in those eyes. Care to share?”

Arjun hesitated, then found himself pouring out his heart to the woman who had always been kind to him during his teenage years. He spoke of his broken marriage, the demanding job that had taken a toll on him, and the sense of emptiness that had enveloped his life.

Mrs. Sen listened, her expression sympathetic. “You know, Arjun, sometimes life takes us on unexpected journeys. But the bakery has always been a place of solace for you. Maybe it’s time for you to find that solace again.” Arjun nodded, his gaze wandering to the rows of colorful pastries and cakes. “I used to work here during my school vacations. It was my escape.”

“You’re welcome to escape back here anytime,” she said with a smile.

As Arjun began visiting the bakery more often, he found comfort in the familiarity of the place. The simple act of kneading dough, the smell of baking, and the cheerful conversations with Mrs. Sen helped him heal his wounded heart. But there was another reason he kept coming back — the constant presence of someone he had never forgotten.

One afternoon, as he stepped into the bakery Mrs. Sen comes with his usual order one cup of coffee and a cookie. He didn’t know that day there is someone else also in the kitchen with Mrs. Sen. As he sipped his coffee, a young woman emerged from the kitchen, her hands dusted with flour. She was beautiful, with long, dark hair and a warm smile that lit up her face. Arjun’s heart skipped a beat as he locked eyes with her.

“Is everything alright, Mom?” the young woman asked, looking between Arjun and her mother.

“Everything’s more than alright, Aaoka,” Mrs. Sen replied with a knowing smile. “Remember Arjun, the young man who used to work here years ago.”

She comes forward with a joy in her eyes and greeted him.

“Hey Arjun, how are you?

“Aaoka?” he stammered, with holding a half cookie in his hands. “The girl he had once loved with all his teenage fervor. His that first love whose memories and enchanted smile greeted him when he enters the bakery. Standing right in front of him.”

She laughed, a sound that was both melodious and comforting. “Yes, it’s me. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

Arjun wiped his hands hastily on a cloth, his heart racing. “You look amazing,” he blurted out, mentally berating himself for his lack of composure.

Aaoka’s cheeks turned a light shade of pink. “You don’t look too bad yourself, Mr. Successful Lawyer.”

They talked for hours, catching up on the years that had passed. Aaoka had taken over the bakery from her parents, channeling her love for baking into a thriving business. She spoke passionately about her creations, and Arjun couldn’t help but be drawn into her enthusiasm.

Days turned into weeks, and Arjun found himself spending more time at “Bake Me Happy” than he had ever expected. He helped out in the bakery, tried his hand at baking, and slowly, the weight of his past began to lift. Aaoka became his confidante, and the bakery became a sanctuary where they both found solace.

One evening, as they were closing up the bakery, Arjun turned to Aaoka. “Aaoka, I’ve come to realize that this place — it’s not just a bakery to me. It’s a place where I’ve found happiness and a second chance at something beautiful.”

Aaoka looked at him, her eyes searching his face. “Arjun, I’ve never stopped caring about you. Even when you left all those years ago, a part of me always held on to the memories we shared.”

Arjun took a step closer, his heart pounding. “Aaoka, would you give us another chance? I’ve made my fair share of mistakes, but being here with you, I’ve learned that happiness isn’t just about success. It’s about the people who matter.”

Tears glistened in Aaoka’s eyes as she nodded. “Arjun, I’ve always believed that the right ingredients can turn something ordinary into something extraordinary. Maybe we’re like that too — better together.”

Arjun reached out and took her hand, his fingers intertwining with hers. “Aaoka, will you Bake me happy for the rest of our lives?”

A radiant smile broke across Aaoka’s face. “Arjun Roy, I’d be honored to.”

And as the lights of Bake Me Happy dimmed, two hearts found their way back to each other, bound by a love that had withstood the test of time and distance, and by the sweetness of a bakery that had always been a home for their souls.

