Root Chakra Muladhara: Embracing the Foundation of Life and “I AM”

Sasha Stargarden
3 min readOct 18, 2023


Root Chakra

Discovering the Essence of Physical Survival, Self-Preservation, and Security

When we explore the fascinating world of chakras, we begin our journey at the very foundation of our being — the Root Chakra, known as Muladhara. This energy center is often symbolized by a lotus with four petals and is intrinsically connected to the Earth element.

Root Chakra At a Glance

The Root Chakra, or Muladhara, is the anchor of our energetic system, and it resonates with the fundamental notion of “I AM.”

Here are some key aspects of this vital chakra:

Related to Physical Survival and Security: This chakra governs our primal instincts for self-preservation, safety, and stability. It forms the very foundation of our existence.

Ancestry and Identity: The Root Chakra is deeply entwined with our roots, ancestral heritage, and the essential sense of identity.

Physical Body and Energy: It is closely associated with our physical body, filling us with life force energy and the trust we need to navigate the world.

Location and Physical Attributes

The Root Chakra resides at the coccygeal region, at the base of the spine, near the tailbone.

Its influence extends to various physical attributes:

Adrenals: This chakra governs the adrenal glands, responsible for hormone production, including adrenaline and noradrenaline. These hormones control vital functions like heart rate and blood pressure.

Colon and Lower Back: It has a connection to the colon, lower back, legs, knees, and feet.

Metabolism and Immune System: The Root Chakra plays a pivotal role in regulating our metabolism and bolstering our immune system.

Crystals and Herbs Associated with the Root Chakra

To balance and nurture your Root Chakra, you can turn to a variety of healing crystals and herbs:

Crystals: Red Jasper, Garnet, Hematite, Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Tiger’s Eye, Smoky Quartz, and Black Onyx.

Herbs: Engage with the energies of herbs like Myrrh, Ginger, Cinnamon, Clove, Cedar, Sandalwood, Ashwagandha, Sage, Frankincense, and Rosemary.

Signs of Imbalance

An out-of-balance Root Chakra can manifest in various ways, such as:

Lower Back Pain: Chronic lower back pain may indicate an imbalance in this chakra.

Sciatica: Nerve pain, specifically sciatica, can be linked to Root Chakra issues.

Tumors: An energetic imbalance may contribute to health concerns like tumors.

Depression: A sense of instability and insecurity can lead to depression.

Varicose Veins: Circulatory issues like varicose veins can also be related to this chakra.

Immune Disorders: Weakened immunity may be connected to an imbalanced Root Chakra.

Anger and Aggression: Excessive anger or aggression may signify an imbalance in this foundational chakra.

Balancing the Root Chakra

To nurture and balance your Root Chakra, you can incorporate the following practices into your life:

Wear Red: Adorning red clothing or accessories can help align the Root Chakra.

Eating Red Foods: Consuming red foods such as tomatoes, red peppers, and beets can have a harmonizing effect.

Pelvic and Lower Back Exercises: Engage in physical activities that target the pelvic and lower back regions to strengthen this chakra.

Grounding: Spend time in nature, connect with the earth, and practice grounding techniques.

Meditation: Incorporate Root Chakra meditation into your daily routine to center your energy.

By understanding and tending to your Root Chakra, you can foster a profound sense of security, stability, and trust, establishing a strong foundation for your journey through life.

