GSoC 2024 Guide PART I:

Sasidhara Kashyap Chaturvedula
2 min readJan 18, 2024


GSoC 2024 Roadmap:

JAN 22 2024 - FEB 22 2024:

  • Learn Git and GitHub.
  • Choose 1 tech stack that you are familiar with.
  • Choose your right GSoC Project with its GSoC Organization that you want to work with.
  • Start contributing to your chosen project with Good First Issues and Second First Issues.
  • Go through your GSoC Organization website, you can find their projects, contact details, community details, and more.
  • Communities like IRC channels and Slack channels are used, try to get familiar with the mentors from your GSoC Organization.

FEB 22 2024 - MARCH 18 2024:

  • Start contributing to your chosen project with Good First Issues and Second First Issues.
  • GSoC Contributors discuss application ideas with mentoring organisations.
  • Start making your Project Proposal using Google Docs, so it will be easy to make changes.

MARCH 18 2024 (11:30 PM IST):

  • GSoC Contributor application period begins.

APRIL 2 2024 (11:30 PM IST):

  • GSoC Contributor application period deadline.

APRIL 24 2024 (11:30 PM IST):

  • GSoC Proposals review and rankings from Organization Admins.

MAY 1 2024 (11:30 PM IST):

  • Accepted GSoC Projects announced.

GSoC 2024 Project Proposal Template:

1) Cover Page and Index Page:

  • Cover Page With GSoC Logo And Your Chosen GSoC Organisation Logo.
  • Index Page.

2) About Me:
3) Project Name:

  • Name Of Your Project With The Date.

4) Personal Details:

  • Full Name.
  • Email ID.
  • GitHub ID.
  • LinkedIn Profile ID.
  • Time Zone.
  • Chat Handle.
  • Mentors OR Maintainers Names If Any (Optional).

5) Project Description:

  • Detailed Abstract Of Project.
  • Aspects Targeted Through The Project.
  • Components Which Will Be Developed In This Project.

6) Work Done Till Now:
Work Done Related To Project Chosen That Is:

  • Set Up The Project Development Environment.
  • Research On The Documentation.
  • Understanding The Project Implementation.
  • Etc.

7) Timeline Of The Project:

  • Brief Percentage Wise Break Down Of The Project Timeline.
  • Detailed Break Down Of Entire Timeline Phase Wise (Before Community Bonding Phase,During Community Bonding Phase, Mid Term Evaluation Phase and Final Evaluation Phase).

8) Open Source Development Experience:

  • Open Source Volunteering Experience If Any.
  • Contributions In Selected Organisations.
  • My Side Projects.

9) Project/Internship Experience:

10) Academics:

  • Institute Name.
  • Relevant Courses Taken.

11) Why Selected Organisations And The Chosen Project?
12) Why Me?

  • About My Commitment
  • Acknowledgement
  • References

