The influence of the pictures in the social media for millennials

Manon Sasso
5 min readJun 15, 2016


« 52 % of users surveyed said their friends’ photos inspired travel plans, and 76% post their vacation photos on social networks. »

Facebook is one of the first destinations for sharing life events and travel related content.

The millennials love sharing their experiences, hearing their friends’ crazy travel stories and try to make some unique memories of their own. In fact, they are specifically seeking out what hasn’t been done yet.

Now is a good time to launch some new applications about the pictures and the travel. The new technology will help us to find the solution of tomorrow to reach the millennials target.

But who are they ? What can we do to surprise them ?

Who are you millennials ?

A millennial is a person born between 1980 and 2000. They grew up in an electronics-filled and increasingly online and socially-networked world. They are the generation that has received the most marketing attention.

Some datas: (Source : Goldenman Sachs)

- They are for 2,5 more likely to be an early adopter of the technology than other generations.

- 56% of millennials report that they are usually either one of the very first to try new technologies or among the first group to try new technologies.

- Millennials are known as content creators and users. 46% of millennials post original photos or videos online that they themselves have created.

- New technologies is considered « cool » by this generation

This generation is one of the most narcissistic one.

Millennials and selfies

Young adults will take more than 25 000 pictures of themselves during their lifetime. A new survey determined that millennials spend more than 54 hours a year taking selfies.

“Even a brief glance at a Facebook page, a Twitter feed or Instagram account confirms that millennials are dedicated to chronicling their lives with selfies, and they especially enjoy sharing them with their network of acquaintances,” the company’s CEO and cofounder, Damon Brown, said in a news release. “If you don’t take a selfie during your vacation or while celebrating a special day, it is almost as if it never happened.” said Valerie Lopez.

Today, people across the world take more than 1 million selfies each day and share their experienceS online.

What is the future of pictures during a trip?

“Millennials love their cameras,” said Cathy Boyle, mobile analyst at eMarketer.

A new survey of more than 1,000 millennials found that 96 % consider their camera crucial to their smartphone and nearly 50 % even said their smartphone was “practically useless” without a camera.

The social networks, Apps and Pictures

Today, many applications help us to take the most beautiful pictures. The pictures for the millennials are very important, because without picture they are nobody. The millennials like to give and to share all the experiences about food, travel, activities with their community and their friends. To do this they use snapchat, facebook, twitter, vine, instagram. All this platforms are connected with each other as well as their devices.
“Connected” because you can share the same contest in every social network you use. For example, if I upload a picture on Instagram, I can connect my facebook account and share this picture on it via Instagram.

These apps like instagram and snapchat are really famous for the millennials. Indeed, they can take pictures and improve the quality of picture with different filters. Thanks to this filter, the pictures look like professional photographies.

A new trend appear for rich travellers: they prefer to pay the service of a photographer, like this every pictures are perfect and permit them to improve their notoriety and become an influencer.

Finally, the social networks permit to this target to interact in live and to become an influencer online.

Today, we can talk about the run of the likes. When the millennials share memories, they are waiting for some recognition about their audience. The recognition will be identifying of the number of like on the pictures and the number of share of the contest published. The recognition becomes virtual.

For the future we need to think about two important things.

The first aspect is the connection and the second is the personalisation.

The connection because like we could see before, millennials like to be online and share all their experiences, so we need to find a new app ultra-connected.

The personalisation is as well a good point for this target, they like the exclusive and the personalized object to be different.

These two aspects can help us to find a new app or some new connected items about the future of the picture.

One day we will not need a camera or some materials to take a picture and to share the memories.

Maybe one day, lenses for eyes could be used like a camera, like the projects of Sony, Google and Samsung. These lenses can choose with your validation if they can take a picture or not, the pictures will be directly connected with the social network and with your smartphone. Like this, you can take pictures at any time, anywhere, and with no material.

Those lenses are like a science fiction movie, they could take a picture when detecting a blink eyes. The electronic will permit the stabilization and the focus of the pictures. The pictures taken could be see directly thanks to the lenses and could be save.

At this moment, it is only a paper project, but this could be real in the next 5 years.

The time goes fast and the technology never ceases to surprise us. So what will be the next invention?



Manon Sasso

Student event management and digital marketing in London @Supdepub group INSEEC