Battle Of The Titans : Iphone 15 Pro and Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra

English Literature 2023B
3 min readMay 25, 2024

Hanasyifa Fauzia Rahman — 1209623006 (Group 2)

The two smartphones dominate all others, Apple’s Iphone 15 pro and Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra battle out in the smartphone realm. Their models are the epitome of what innovation, design and performance can offer in the tech world. When the consumer is getting smarter and competition is tough, it is important to know the real standouts to ensure that these two massive smartphones can stay ahead of the game.

Both iPhone 15 Pro and Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra have some similarities, the first one is the price is relatively similar, The iPhone 15 pro has a price of around Rp 19,000,000 and the price is not far from the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra which is around Rp 20,000,000. The second one is iPhone 15 pro and Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra both have the same latest and fastest internet network, which is 5G. And the last one is both iPhone 15 pro and Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra are water and dust resistant. These two devices, in addition to having some similarities, also have some quite significant differences.

These two devices have different battery life, Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra has a resistance of up to 25 hours while the iPhone 15 pro is only about 20–24 hours. This is due to the larger battery capacity of Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra compared to the iPhone 15 Pro and also the design priorities that each company has made for the technology and battery efficiency of each phone. The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra offers a four-lens rear camera system that includes a 200-megapixel main camera that provides outstanding photographic detail, making it an ideal choice for capturing stunning high-resolution images in any situation. Meanwhile, iPhone 15 Pro has a triple-lens rear camera that includes a very impressive 48-megapixel main camera that offers excellent photography capabilities. The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra offers an impressive RAM capacity by providing up to 12GB of RAM,this large amount of memory ensures that the device can be used for heavy applications smoothly, and provides better functions for the users of the device overall. Meanwhile, iPhone 15 Pro is equipped with a relatively modest 6GB of RAM, which is not the highest capacity available on the market, but it is still optimized for efficient support for users of this device.

In conclusion, both iPhone 15 Pro and Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra have many advantages to users. For example, they already support 5G wireless internet connectivity, and these two devices are also water and dust resistant. However, when it comes to some other details such as the quality of the camera, battery life, and also the storage or RAM, of course the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra is better than the iPhone 15 Pro, even though the price is more expensive.

