Dark Theme for Everyone.

Suhail Parvez
3 min readNov 15, 2017


Courtesy of unsplash Images.

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)

Dr. Joshua Dunaief, an ophthalmologist and macular degeneration researcher at the University of Pennsylvania. Dunaief says the specific causes of computer vision syndrome (CVS) are numerous, from improper reading glasses to an overly bright screen. But in most cases, any eye issues you’re experiencing stem from two root issues. Either your eyes are dried out, or they’ve become too fatigued to see properly. ( Give it a read )

Working with a computer or looking at a screen for more than 5 hours a day ?

Being a developer from the past 2+ years and looking at multiple screens for more than 6 hours a day. I had to spread a word out, to use a dark theme on whatever applications you work with.

Courtesy of Giphy Images.

There are still many discussions on selecting a right theme. But personally i feel my eyes are not stressed at the end of the day by using the dark theme. Me being a Mobile Application Developer, this is what i use everyday. So, without any delay here is a list .

For coding (IDE)

  • Xcode dark theme — System Preferences => Universal Access => White on Black (or Control-Option-Command-8) Stack overflow
  • Android Studio — File->Settings->Editor->Colors & Fonts->Stack overflow

For Browsing

  • Muzli Chrome extension — After you have added the extension you can change the theme from light to dark from the settings. You can add muzli as your default tab and view all post from your selected media.
Muzli Chrome Extension.
  • Dark Theme Chrome Extension — With this extension, you can convert any webpage on google to a dark theme. It takes some time to get used to but you eyes will feel a lot better by the end of the day when having the default white theme. You can select different variations of the dark theme from the options of this extension.

For Video Tutorials on Youtube

Yessss, Youtube has a dark theme :)

1 — Make sure you have the latest chrome downloaded.

2 — Open Youtube and log in into your account.

3 — Open Chrome’s Developer Tools panel by hitting Command-Option-I on a Mac or Ctrl-Shift-I on Windows.

4 — On the panel that opens on the right side of your Chrome window, click the Console tab.

5 — Copy and paste this line of code: document.cookie=”VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=fPQ4jCL6EiE” and then hit Enter.

6 — Close the Developer Tools panel and refresh YouTube.

7 — Click on your profile icon in the top right and you will see a more extensive menu, including a line for Dark Mode. Click it and click the toggle switch to Activate Dark Mode.

Screen shot of Youtube Dark Theme.

If you find you don’t like YouTube’s site redesign, you can go back to the old design by opening the account menu and choosing Restore classic YouTube.

These were the extensions and themes i use on my various systems from iOS to Windows. Make sure to read my other blogs below and give it as many claps as you want :)



Suhail Parvez

Mobile application developer who gets excited by the word innovation.