Another Failed Talking Stage — Now What?

Sathena S
2 min readJun 2, 2022


Trying to navigate the early twenties dating scene.

Talking stages are the norm now. It’s not dating because no one wants to commit. It is a way to get to know each other without the labels.

But it is so dumb.

You put some time and effort into a person for a few months for it to not work out.

Maybe you think, ‘why does this always happen?’ ‘Is it me?’

Then you get back on the dating apps again and let the swiping games begin.

But let me tell you that you are not the problem. The dating culture of today is the problem. We swipe on these apps for maybe some sort of validation. Maybe we want to make a real connection but struggle with actually meeting people when you go out.

Instead of getting back on the apps, maybe self reflect a bit before jumping back on the horse.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Did that person have any qualities or values that I liked?
  • What were some habits that person had that I didn’t like?
  • What were some red flags that I possibly ignored?
  • Did I like who I was when I was around that person?
  • What was the reason that it did end?

After going through these questions, you might be able to see more clearly that they were not the person for you. And that is a good thing! That means the person meant for you is still out there!

Do not beat yourself up over another failed talking stage. Real connections these days are hard.

Move on and find someone that deserves you.

K. Byeeee




Sathena S

Agriculture | Fitness | Faith | Trying to figure out life