Don’t Be Afraid of Looking Stupid. Be Afraid of Never Trying

2 min readJun 12, 2024


a dog feeling shy
Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

When you truly want something, your heart will continuously tell you to do whatever it takes to get it. This is what I always experience with my heart.

In our office, they conducted a dance program for volunteers. As soon as I heard about it, I felt a wave of anxiety. I like to dance, but I’m not good at it.

I’ve always wanted to dance but dreaded doing it in front of people. I always ended up regretting it after the event. This happens every time there’s a chance to dance.

People who are love to dance, they all were dancing. One choreographer was teaching the steps for songs.

I noticed many of them not good dancers. But I could see many of them, really love to dance like me, but somewhat they stopped by their

  • fear
  • anxiety
  • shyness
  • insecurity

Choreographer helped people a lot to come forward towards exploring their desire..

This time, my heart really pushed me to the boundary. It was a battle between my fear and my desire.

In that moment, one thought consumed me.

“Give it a try. Don’t regret not trying. This moment won’t come again. At least if you try, you’ll feel satisfied knowing you did.”

So, I stepped onto the dance floor, heart pounding. I felt clumsy, but I kept moving. I embraced the awkwardness, and surprisingly, I enjoyed it. The thrill of trying overshadowed the fear of looking silly.


“Don’t be afraid of looking stupid. Be afraid of never trying.”

That day, I learned that pushing past my fear was worth it. It wasn’t about being the best dancer. It was about honoring my desire to dance, despite my fears.

Next time, let your heart guide you. Try, even if you think you’ll look silly. You might just find joy in the attempt.




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