Do you want to Live Happily and Enjoy Every Moment of Life!!!

Sathya Narayanan
5 min readNov 13, 2020


Are you tried and life Boring!

Are you taking medicine for Cold,Headache,Body Pain and ……….!!!!

Are you looking for any alternate approach …..

Are you willing to explore any thing new………..

Then this article is for you.

Whether you know that Without Medicine you can cure your Basic Health Problems?

Yes, thru’ Alternate Medicine (AM) — Acupressure Therapy

Acupressure is an Alternative Medicine Technique similar in principle to Acupuncture. It is based on the concept of life energy which flows through meridians in the body. In treatment, physical pressure is applied to Acupuncture Points with the aim of clearing blockages in these meridians. Pressure may be applied by hand, by elbow, or with various devices.

Here we have given the Acupressure points on Hands.Is it Amazing!!!

Pressure Points on Hands

Did you know that you do not have to rely on over the counter or prescription medications with all their unpleasant side effects? You can heal pain and discomfort from sinus congestion, stress, fatigue, headaches and many other conditions by learning gentle massage of pressure points on hands.

How Does Massage of Pressure Points on Hands Help?

Do you know pressing a point on your hands could really affect other areas of your body? Pressure points have been used in Chinese Traditional Medicine for centuries. Through many years of practice, energy pathways have been identified called Meridian Channels. Acupuncture uses needles to activate this natural energy to provide healing relief. Acupressure, on the other hands, awakens these points through gentle massaging pressure which corrects the body’s natural balance of energy.

What are the Best Pressure Points on Hands?

  • Hand Valley Point.
  • This point is between thumb and index finger. To find it, place your hand palm down and press your thumb towards your index finger. The raised bump is the pressure point. Use the thumb and index finger of your other hand to massage that point in a circular motion. This pressure point on hands is good for sinus relief, encourages tranquility and helps with stress and headaches.
  • Thumbnail Point.
  • Find this pressure point outside the lower left-hand corner of your thumbnail. Pressing on this point relieves stress, fatigue, and negative feelings.
  • Finger Tip Pressure Points.
  • The top and sides of your fingers offer excellent pressure points on hands to relieve headaches the sinus congestion.

How Should You Apply Acupressure to Fingers?

  • First, press and release on the sides of your thumb. Pulse the pressure for about 5 seconds.
  • Do the same pulsing motion on the top for another 5 seconds.
  • Repeat on the other thumb.
  • Next, do the same motions for the index finger on each hand.

Continue to follow this procedure of these pressure points on hands by doing the same pulsing massage to the sides and tops of your middle, ring. and little finger.

The Value of Knowing Pressure Points on Hands

Stimulating the meridian points important because they are the energy highways which open up the natural healing ability of your body. Pressure points on hands is a safe and natural way alternative medicine which a person can do themselves to promote the body’s own healing energies and help your body avoid other ailments.

Healing with the Knowledge of the Major Hand Pressure Points

Hand pressure points are sensitive areas of muscles and tendons that are utilized by therapists and masseuses when conducting acupressure therapy. Here, we will discuss the major hand pressure points, what they do to our body, and how to apply the correct pressure on the hand pressure points for relieving common health ailments yourself.

Base of Thumb Point

This point is right at the base of your thumb and above your wrist. You can apply pressure on this point using the thumb of your other hand. The pressure given on this point will give a person’s relief from coughing and breathing problems.

Hand Valley Point

This pressure point is located just between your thumb and finger. Holding a certain amount of pressure in this point will help a person to relieve stress and ease toothaches, headaches and constipation.

Thumbnail Point

This hand pressure point can be found just outside the lower corner of the nail of your thumb. When applying pressure, make sure that it will be on the lower left side of your right thumbnail. Pressure on this point is said to relieve the negative emotions of a person.

Inner Gate Point

The inner gate point is a hand pressure point located 3 cm from the crease of your wrist. You can use your thumb to massage and apply pressure on it. Through applying pressure on this point, it can help treat nausea and relieve stomach pains and anxiety.

Finger Tip Pressure Points

These hand pressure points are believed to give you relief from sinus conditions. Press your fingertips one by one. By putting pressure on these hand pressure points, you can increase the sinus circulation in your body and help drain sinuses quickly.

End Thoughts for Hand Pressure Points

The art of acupressure has been known ever since the ancient times and is used as an alternative method to treat common ailments from migraine headaches and toothaches to insomnia, nausea, and diabetes. The therapy is proven to be a good self-treatment method that can be done by any individual knowledgeable of the certain pressure points within the body such as the hand pressure points. Best of all, using acupressure therapy as an alternative medicine has no side effects and you can use it in the comfort of your own home.

Would like to Thank and Support Alternate Medicine group for developing and helping thousands of people.

Hope the above article gives you a pleasure in reading and understanding the topics!

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