The Role of Investment Banks in IPOs: A Comprehensive Guide

3 min readSep 11, 2023


An initial public offering (IPO) represents the first instance in which a company’s shares are made available for purchase by the general public. Investment banks play a crucial role in facilitating IPOs by assisting companies in going public and raising capital.

The role of an investment bank in an IPO can be summarized as follows:

Underwriting: The investment bank assumes the responsibility of underwriting the IPO, meaning it commits to purchasing any unsold shares. This provides the company with a guaranteed amount of capital and contributes to the success of the IPO.

Pricing: The investment bank aids the company in determining the price of the shares in the IPO. This is a complex process as the price must be set at a level that generates investor interest while still ensuring the shares can be sold.

Marketing: The investment bank promotes the IPO to potential investors by creating a prospectus, a document that provides information about the company and the IPO.

Placement: The investment bank facilitates the distribution of shares to investors by reaching out to potential buyers and persuading them to purchase the shares.

Typically, investment banks charge a fee for their services, which is usually a percentage of the capital raised by the company. This fee can range up to 7%, but is typically around 3%.

Investment banks also assume some level of risk in an IPO. If the IPO is unsuccessful, the investment bank may incur losses on the shares it underwrote. However, investment banks typically employ a team of experts to mitigate the risks associated with an IPO.

Overall, investment banks play a vital role in the IPO process. Through their provision of underwriting, pricing, marketing, and placement services, investment banks enable companies to go public and raise capital.

Here are some specific tasks performed by investment banks in an IPO:

Due diligence: Investment banks conduct thorough due diligence on the company, analyzing its financial statements, operations, and management team. This helps the investment bank assess the investment’s risk and determine a fair share price.

Structuring the deal: Investment banks structure the IPO, determining the type of IPO, the number of shares to be offered, and the price range.

Drafting the prospectus: Investment banks prepare the prospectus, a document that provides information about the company and the IPO. The prospectus must be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Roadshow: Investment banks conduct a roadshow, a series of presentations to potential investors. The roadshow allows the company to introduce itself to investors and address any inquiries regarding the IPO.

Pricing the shares: Investment banks determine the price of the shares in the IPO by considering various factors, such as the company’s financial performance, market conditions, and demand for the shares.

Allocating the shares: Investment banks allocate shares to investors based on factors such as the investor’s size, investment objectives, and risk tolerance.

The investment bank’s role in the IPO process is critical. By offering a range of services, investment banks facilitate companies in going public and raising capital.

Author: SATHYA S, a passionate Content writer and an enthusiastic SEO expert, who works with SOSPL tech.






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