What are the disadvantages of working in the hot sun during the summer season?

Satik Nisana By Sanjay Kumar
2 min readJul 26, 2022


summer season Bright sunshine. Compulsion to go to work in this sunshine. is with everyone. Have to leave. The temperature of many cities has reached up to 39 to 45 degrees. In such a situation, whether children or old people are suffering from all the heat.

sn workers

They have to face the most difficulties, those who work in the sun. Those working in offices live under AC or cooler. But there are many such people who work as rickshaw pullers, poledari workers, contract workers, brick kilns work all day in the scorching sun on different sides. Live soaked in sweat. There is no solution. Work has to be done. The farmers working in the fields also work in the fields without caring about the sunlight.

ways to avoid heat

People who work in the sun. They should be kept away from constant exposure to sunlight. After a while, you should rest in the shade. You should keep drinking water. One should not take excessive strength in any work. There is a risk of dizziness if you apply too much force. Sunglasses should be used. One should not stay on an empty stomach at all. The stomach should be full. Sunshine should be avoided as much as possible.

Disadvantages of being in excessive sunlight

Being in the hot sun has many disadvantages to the body. Dizziness is caused by strong sunlight. The man falls. Sunlight does a lot of damage to the eyes. There is a problem of dehydration. There is a risk of skin cancer. Aging effect falls on the human skin. There may be a problem of pigmentation. Some people start bleeding from the nose. This problem also occurs in children.

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