Unboxing PocketBase: Your Single-File Backend Superhero for your next POC

Satish G
3 min readFeb 25, 2024


Building backends can feel like wrangling a herd of dragons. Complex setups, endless configurations, and the constant threat of fire-breathing bugs. But what if there was a way to tame the beast with just one file? Enter PocketBase, the open-source backend that’s here to save the day (and your sanity).

Dashboard demo — PocketBase

Think of PocketBase as a miniature fortress packed with powerful tools. Its heart beats with a lightning-fast SQLite database, keeping your data safe and readily accessible. Need to manage users? PocketBase has your back with a built-in authentication system, supporting both traditional email/password and modern OAuth2 integrations like Google and GitHub.

But PocketBase isn’t just about storing data. Its intuitive REST-ish API makes it a breeze to connect with your frontend, whether you’re using React, Vue, or your favorite framework. And let’s not forget the built-in file storage, allowing you to seamlessly integrate media into your applications.

But PocketBase doesn’t stop at the basics. This superhero is built for customization. Go and JavaScript hooks give you the power to forge your own backend logic, tailoring it to your specific needs. Worried about production? Rest assured, PocketBase is battle-tested and ready, with features like encryption and environment variables to keep your data secure.

However, even superheroes have their weaknesses:

  • Limited Scalability: While PocketBase excels for small-to-medium projects, its SQLite database might not be the best choice for high-traffic applications or massive datasets. Scaling horizontally can be challenging, and you might need to consider alternative solutions for large-scale projects.
  • Limited Customization: While PocketBase offers extensibility through hooks, it’s not as customizable as some full-fledged backend frameworks. If you have complex business logic or specific requirements, you might find its capabilities restrictive.
  • Immature Community: Although growing rapidly, the PocketBase community is still relatively young compared to established frameworks. This means finding specific help or resources might be more difficult, especially for complex issues.
  • Limited Database Options: While SQLite is powerful and efficient, PocketBase currently only supports it. If you need the flexibility of different database options (e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL), you’ll be out of luck.

But fear not, even with these kryptonite chunks, PocketBase remains a valuable tool in your developer arsenal:

  • Rapid Prototyping: Its simplicity and quick setup make it ideal for testing ideas and building prototypes in record time.
  • Small-Scale Projects: For personal projects, startups, or low-traffic applications, PocketBase offers a powerful and efficient backend solution.
  • Ease of Use: Developers of all levels can appreciate its intuitive interface and straightforward documentation.

Now, let’s compare PocketBase to its popular rivals:


  • Strengths: Open-source, PostgreSQL database for scalability, real-time features, built-in edge functions, active community.
  • Weaknesses: Can be more complex to set up than PocketBase, limited customization options compared to full-fledged frameworks.
  • Where PocketBase shines: For simple projects, rapid prototyping, and ease of use.
  • Where Supabase shines: For larger projects, complex applications, and real-time needs.


  • Strengths: Wide range of features (authentication, storage, hosting, functions), comprehensive documentation, large community, Google backing.
  • Weaknesses: Paid plans for increased usage, vendor lock-in, limited customization compared to self-hosted options.
  • Where PocketBase shines: For open-source preference, cost-sensitive projects, and simple use cases.
  • Where Firebase shines: For rapid development with a wide range of features, large-scale projects, and Google integration.


The battle against complex backends is far from over, but PocketBase offers a unique weapon in your arsenal. Its single-file simplicity, intuitive interface, and powerful features make it a compelling choice for developers of all levels. However, like any hero, it has its limitations. Understanding its strengths and weaknesses, and comparing it to rivals like Supabase and Firebase, is crucial for making an informed decision.

Ultimately, the best backend hero is the one that aligns perfectly with your project’s needs and your development style. So, strap on your coding cape, explore your options, and unleash your creativity


You can use Home — PocketHost to host your pocket base for free upto one project per user.


Dashboard demo — PocketBase — Demo link

Introduction — Docs — PocketBase

