How Is Hot Reload Different From Hot Restart?

6 min readMay 21, 2024


In the realm of modern software development, especially with frameworks like Flutter, the concepts of "hot reload" and "hot restart" are pivotal in enhancing developer productivity. Both features significantly reduce the turnaround time between writing code and seeing the results, but they differ in terms of their impact on the running application and the state of the app. Understanding these differences is crucial for developers to utilize these tools effectively. This essay delves into the technical distinctions, use cases, advantages, and limitations of hot reload and hot restart.

Hot Reload

Definition and Mechanism

Hot reload is a feature that allows developers to inject updated source code into a running application without the need to restart the entire application. This process preserves the state of the app, which means that the app remains in the same state it was before the reload. The changes are applied immediately, and the app reflects these changes almost instantaneously.

In frameworks like Flutter, hot reload works by updating the Dart Virtual Machine (VM) with the new versions of classes and functions. When a hot reload is triggered, the updated source code is compiled into an intermediate representation and then sent to the VM. The VM integrates these changes and updates the in-memory state of the program, effectively swapping out old methods and classes for the new ones.


State Preservation: One of the most significant advantages of hot reload is that it preserves the state of the app. This is particularly useful during UI development and debugging, where maintaining the current state allows developers to see changes in the context of ongoing interactions or data entries.

Speed: Hot reload is extremely fast because it avoids a full recompilation and restart of the application. This quick feedback loop significantly enhances developer productivity by allowing for rapid iteration.

Efficient UI Development: Developers can tweak the UI and immediately see the results without losing the context, making it easier to perfect the look and feel of the app.


Hot reload : Hot reload is best suited for changes within the scope of the running code, such as modifications to the UI or logic within methods. However, it cannot handle changes that affect the global state, such as altering the main method or changing the app’s overall structure.

Potential Inconsistencies: Sometimes, hot reload might not correctly apply changes, especially when the modifications involve deep changes to the state or initialization logic. This can lead to inconsistencies or necessitate a full restart to correctly apply the changes.

Hot Restart

Definition and Mechanism

Hot restart, on the other hand, completely restarts the running application but without a full recompilation. This process does not preserve the state of the app, meaning that the application starts from the initial state as if it were launched afresh.

When a hot restart is initiated, the Dart VM discards the current state and code, then reinitializes the app from the main method. The entire widget tree is rebuilt, and all the state information is reset. This is akin to stopping the application and starting it again, but done in a faster and more efficient manner compared to a cold restart (full recompilation and launch).


Clean Slate: Since hot restart resets the application state, it is useful for testing and debugging scenarios where a clean start is necessary. It ensures that no residual state or side effects from previous runs affect the current test.

Comprehensive Updates: Hot restart can handle a broader range of changes compared to hot reload. It can incorporate changes that affect the app's structure, such as modifications to the main method or changes to initialization logic.


State Loss: The most notable drawback of hot restart is the loss of state. This can be disruptive during development, especially when trying to debug issues that require a particular state or user interaction sequence.

Longer Feedback Loop: Although faster than a cold restart, a hot restart is still slower than a hot reload. The longer feedback loop can reduce productivity, especially when fine-tuning UI elements or other iterative changes.

Comparative Analysis

Use Cases and Scenarios

Hot reload and hot restart serve different purposes and are suited to different stages of the development process:

Hot Reload: Ideal for iterative UI development, minor changes to methods or functions, and situations where preserving the app's state is essential. For instance, if a developer is adjusting the layout or styling of a widget, hot reload allows them to see the impact of these changes instantly without losing the current state, such as a filled form or ongoing animation.

Hot Restart: Best for scenarios that involve significant changes to the app’s structure or state management logic. It is also useful when the app enters an inconsistent state due to a series of hot reloads or when testing the initialization process. For example, changing the app’s theme or modifying the initial data fetching logic would require a hot restart to ensure all changes are correctly applied.

Impact on Development Workflow

The choice between hot reload and hot restart can significantly impact the development workflow:

Efficiency: Hot reload provides a much faster feedback loop, which is crucial for maintaining high productivity. Developers can make small adjustments and immediately see the results, leading to a more fluid and responsive development experience.

Accuracy: While hot reload is efficient, it might sometimes miss deeper structural changes, leading to potential bugs or inconsistencies that are hard to trace. Hot restart, though slower, ensures that all changes are correctly applied, providing a more accurate representation of the final application.

Technical Considerations

From a technical perspective, understanding when to use hot reload versus hot restart can help in managing application state and debugging effectively:

Hot Reload: Technically, it involves re-injecting modified code into the running app and updating the VM’s in-memory representation. This process is efficient but limited to changes that do not require reinitialization of the entire application.

Hot Restart: This involves discarding the current state and reinitializing the app. While it provides a clean slate, it requires the app to go through the full initialization process, which can be time-consuming but necessary for certain types of changes.

Practical Examples

Example 1: UI Tweaking

Consider a scenario where a developer is working on fine-tuning the layout of a form in a Flutter app. They might adjust padding, margins, or alignment properties. Using hot reload allows them to see these changes instantly without losing the state of the form. The input data remains intact, and the developer can immediately assess the visual impact of their adjustments.

Example 2: State Management Logic

In a different scenario, a developer might be modifying the state management logic of the app. For instance, they might introduce a new state variable or change how the app initializes its state. These changes might affect the app’s overall behavior and cannot be correctly applied with a hot reload. A hot restart is necessary to ensure that the app initializes with the new state management logic, providing an accurate test environment.

Best Practices

Balancing Usage

Frequent Use of Hot Reload: Developers should leverage hot reload as much as possible for minor changes and UI t

weaks. This approach minimizes disruption and maximizes productivity.

Strategic Use of Hot Restart: Hot restart should be used strategically, primarily when making significant changes that affect the app’s initialization or global state. It ensures that such changes are fully integrated and tested in a clean environment.

Error Handling and Debugging

Error Isolation: When encountering bugs or inconsistencies that seem resistant to hot reloads, a hot restart can help isolate the issue by resetting the state and providing a fresh start.

Consistent Testing: Developers should periodically use hot restart to ensure that the app initializes correctly and that all changes are accurately reflected. This practice helps catch initialization issues early in the development process.

Optimizing Development Workflow

Automated Hot Reloads: Setting up the development environment to automatically trigger hot reloads on file save can streamline the workflow. This automation reduces manual intervention and keeps the feedback loop tight.

Regular Restarts: Incorporating regular hot restarts into the workflow, especially after significant code changes, ensures that the app remains in a consistent and predictable state.


Hot reload and hot restart are powerful tools that significantly enhance the development experience in modern frameworks like Flutter. By understanding their differences and appropriate use cases, developers can optimize their workflow, maintain high productivity, and ensure the accuracy and consistency of their applications. While hot reload excels in preserving state and providing rapid feedback for UI changes, hot restart is indispensable for applying more extensive changes and ensuring a clean initialization. Balancing the use of both features is key to effective and efficient software development.




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