Git Branching Strategies: Use-case

Satish Pandey
3 min readApr 30, 2023


Branching is a fundamental concept in software development that allows multiple developers to work on different versions of the same codebase concurrently. It enables teams to develop new features, fix bugs, and experiment with new ideas in parallel without disrupting the main codebase. However, without a well-defined branching strategy, it can quickly become chaotic and lead to conflicts and delays.

A branching strategy is a set of rules and guidelines that govern how developers create and manage branches in a version control system such as Git. It defines when and how to create branches, how to merge changes, and how to manage conflicts. A good branching strategy should balance the need for parallel development with the need for stability and predictability.

Here are some common branching strategies.Majorly the first 2 applies to most of our current development and widely used:


Gitflow is a popular branching strategy that defines a strict branching model with clear separation of code and releases. This branching strategy consists of the following branches:

  • Master
  • Develop
  • Feature- to develop new features that branches off the develop branch
  • Release- help prepare a new production release; usually branched from the develop branch and must be merged back to both develop and master
  • Hotfix- also helps prepare for a release but unlike release branches, hotfix branches arise from a bug that has been discovered and must be resolved; it enables developers to keep working on their own changes on the develop branch while the bug is being fixed.


It is also ideal when handling multiple versions of the production code.

If you are release multiple version of your application and also support previous version.

GitHub Flow

Unlike GitFlow, this model doesn’t have release branches. You start off with the main branch then developers create branches, feature branches that stem directly from the master, to isolate their work which are then merged back into main. The feature branch is then deleted.

The main idea behind this model is keeping the master code in a constant deployable state and hence can support continuous integration and continuous delivery processes.


Github Flow focuses on Agile principles and so it is a fast and streamlined branching strategy with short production cycles and frequent releases and only supporting new release.

This strategy also allows for fast feedback loops so that teams can quickly identify issues and resolve them.

GitLab Flow

GitLab Flow is a simpler alternative to GitFlow that combines feature-driven development and feature branching with issue tracking.

With GitFlow, developers create a develop branch and make that the default while GitLab Flow works with the main branch right away.

Trunk-Based Development

Trunk-Based Development: In this strategy, all developers work on the same branch (usually “master” or “main”), and changes are continuously integrated and tested in a production-like environment. This approach requires a high degree of automation and testing to ensure that the code is always stable and deployable.

Choosing the right branching strategy depends on the size and complexity of the project, the number of developers involved, and the release cadence. Whatever strategy you choose, it is essential to communicate it clearly to all team members, document it in a wiki or README file, and enforce it with the help of tools such as Git hooks or branch protection rules.

In conclusion, a well-defined branching strategy is critical for successful collaboration and productivity in software development. It helps developers work efficiently, reduces the risk of conflicts and delays, and ensures a stable and reliable codebase. Choose the right strategy for your project, document it, and enforce it consistently to achieve the best results.



Satish Pandey

Certified Multi cloud architect with 9+ yrs of experience, worked in multiple companies enabling the DevOps culture .