EduCoin gets back on track in 2018

2 min readJan 28, 2018


The first cryptocurrency for education resumes development

Update from EduCoin founder:

January 28, 2018

Each one of the 1000+ cryptocurrencies in existence today is a human endeavor, and we know that behind neat lines of code are real people who are far from perfect. That is why Evan’s contribution to EduCoin is greatly appreciated. After his unexpected departure, we wish him nothing but the best during his recovery.

Effective this post, I am returning to active development. Here are some announcements:


New developments

In September 2017, I was pleased to see the revival of EduCoin during a period of massive growth for altcoin and blockchain projects. To their credit, Tronquix, Spoolin and Qwazix moved EduCoin forward in six months:

  • Launched a smoothly running client (available here and here)
  • Added a modern logo and brand wrapper
  • Offered continuity for original EDU holders through a fair coinswap
  • Improved the specifications by reducing total coins and switching algos
  • For the first time ever, we briefly saw a BTC/EDU trading pair

While I have been absent from bitcointalk since 2015, my involvement in EduCoin has never strayed far. My work in the tech industry in Silicon Valley has allowed me to gather resources, perspectives, and knowledge which I am now ready to apply toward the success of EduCoin.

I do not take my return to this project lightly, and this second time around I am committed long-term to bringing EduCoin to market. Most importantly, my aim is to put EduCoin on a stable path toward real world adoption by learners everywhere.

~ Edumoto

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Founder of EduCoin, the original cryptocurrency platform for education