Aftershock Takes Hyper-Deflation to Another Level

Satoshi Knotabolo
3 min readSep 6, 2019


BOMB came out with a 1% destruction rate and made waves fast. We’ve had some vocal critics of BOMB’s burn %, usually rival tokens. Too high, too low, too unequal for small transactions. Many tweaks on BOMB’s contract are based around the supply or destruction.

Hyper Deflation + Holder Rewards

Aftershock token sticks out from the rest and it starts with their form of staking. A 3% burn rate and a 3% dividend tax on every on-chain transfer. This tax is held by the smart contract and paid out to private wallets holding SHOCK.

To claim your share: SHOCK holders send a 0 ETH transaction to the contract address 0x11Ded8aDdDa881F700FBDa2Fe2030656289322a3. You can do this on the site or etherscan but it requires a web3 ETH wallet (Trust wallet and MetaMask extension are the most popular).

Aftershock Token Fundamentals

The supply would max out at 1 million tokens, but as of Sept 5th more than 23,000 SHOCK have already been burned. A 3% burn with less than 50% of the supply circulating and more than 2% has already been destroyed is impressive.

The community they’ve built stands out above most others, it attracts interesting discussions and die-hard fans. The telegram group has been hot and cold but generally growing with some of the higher expectations around these DFL (deflation) tokens. Aftershock’s layers of destruction and “hodler rewards”, gives investors more to talk about than just price or lambos.

Self-destructing tokens have a built-in incentive to trade on a centralized exchange with fees lower than their burn %. SHOCK tries to counter this with dividends from the token’s traffic, exchange wallets are blocked from a share. Even if the token crashes, at least you make something from the volume cashing out. Being paid from the ups and downs does make it easier to stomach the risk.

Aftershock Airdrop Distribution

Aftershock has decided to go with a 5 round airdrop, and are currently between round 2 and 3. They’ve taken their time with distribution, which can be frustrating but better for token price long term. These tokens,and the ideas behind them, are fairly new. New subset of a new asset class means they’re riskier investments at this stage. A project like aftershock has to keep gaining attention and building. You never know when someone may lose interest or give up. A token like this has the ability to make the team millions of dollars in a short amount of time. Doesn’t mean the team will want to continue a project to that level.

BOMB has built a path and SHOCK looks like the best situated to follow it. I’m going to be keeping an eye on this project and see where it develops. A little marketing and a pump could take this one far, fast.

Aftershock Website

Aftershock Telegram

Aftershock Announcement Telegram

Aftershock Discord

Aftershock Medium

Aftershock Twitter



Satoshi Knotabolo

Shitcoin expert. I own every crypto that I post or have heard of. Still mostly BTC. Don’t take $ advice from a dog. 0x7c97F5286C0E500F0953784269681cE31443Ac0D