My 10 Quick Answers to These Questions

Trying to take part in this writing prompt

Satrio Jagad
2 min readDec 19, 2022
Photo by Hannes Richter on Unsplash

Hello everyone. This time I will try to take part in a writing prompt originally from Linda Ng. However, the first time I saw this prompt was from Binky Ink Writing and I got excited to take part of this too.

Let us get started. Here are my answers for these 10 questions.

1. Favorite drink?

Mineral water for sure. Without any ice. A warm water would be great.

2. Favorite color?

Black for most of the time. Secondary is white, and the third one is blue. Monochrome becomes my current style. Uh, for the blue color came since childhood.

3. If you won the lottery, what are the top 3 things you would do first?

Pay all the debts. Buy a house. Actually two houses, so I can rent the other one and get more money from it.

4. Favorite cuisine?

Indonesian / Asian cuisine. It is all about the roots.

5. Would you give up social media or your cell phone forever?

It is definitely the social media. After all it is just a media to socialize, though. Ordering online food needs a cell phone, anyway.

6. One thing you’re really good at?

Contemplating on many things. Especially about life and spiritual. No lie.

7. Cats or dogs?

Dogs, even though my religion forbid to have one. If I have one, that will be either a Siberian Husky or German Shepherd.

8. Coffee drinker?

Yes, for a daily routine. Never take it up to three for a single day. That will be a wrong move and make me a living zombie for the next day.

9. What languages can you speak?

Bahasa Indonesia and English. I used to learn about Japanese and French in high school and college, but all I can remember are “arigatou” and “très bien”. I am sorry, teacher and lecturer.

10. Can you use chopsticks?

Yes. I am an Asian anyway, but in my country we rarely use it. We use our bare hands for several foods.

You can share your own version too. This is kinda entertaining. It may be your writing escape, though. Comment below if you have other thoughts. Here is the original source:

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Satrio Jagad

Name's Gad. Currently writing articles about life lessons, self-care, and poem in Medium for Illumination publisher.