
First Multi-token Staking Bot

Satrio Pamungkas
5 min readOct 8, 2023


Imagine you had to decide whether to go long or short on your favorite meme coins when they were first introduced to the market. You now have the power to go long or short on any on-chain assets within 36 hours after their first introduction due to the Bubble Futures Trading Bot, which is accessible on Discord and Telegram. This bot gives you the ability to trade cryptocurrency futures contracts.

Challenges in On-Chain Trading Today

The primary difficulty connected with on-chain trading is mostly attributed to the presence of low levels of liquidity. Insufficient liquidity has the ability to facilitate pricing and financing manipulations, which may result in compelled liquidations. As a result, market makers often do not have sufficient motivation to provide liquidity on the blockchain. In response to the aforementioned concern, we propose the implementation of the Bubble Futures Trading Bot as a feasible resolution.

What’s Bubble Futures Bot?

Bubble-Futures-Bot (BFB) is a derivatives contract that was developed with an on-chain oracle in mind. Using this contract, you may innovate your short-term speculation on any cryptocurrency. The smart contracts that are a part of Bubble-Futures-Bot (BFB) have a validity period of 36 hours and are compatible with the EVM that is used for trading futures. Investors on Ethereum or any other chain that is compatible with the EVM are able to purchase and trade high-profile blue-chip assets and meme currencies with ease because of this cutting-edge technology. BFB’s primary objective is to reinvigorate the participation of market makers (MM) by overcoming the challenges of low liquidity that have led MM to be reluctant to offer liquidity for certain crypto assets. These difficulties have been created by low trading volumes.

Basic Functions of $Bubble

  • Simple Framework for Margin-Based Trading in the Short-Term
  • Guaranteed Daily Settlement in USDC Dollars
  • Absence of day trading financing payments Final Settlement in Sync with Underlying Asset Price Oracle at Expiration
  • Available for Generation at Any Time by Any User for Any Asset Provided an On-Chain Oracle for Underlying Asset Price Reference Exists
  • You may short the underlying asset without taking out a loan.

Bubble deflates the economy

In contrast to several other meme initiatives that adhere to an inflationary framework, Bubble Futures Bot distinguishes itself by its principal aim of repurchasing $Bubble tokens utilizing 3% of the profit share derived from leveraged trading activities. Based on our calculations, it is projected that the value of the $Bubble token will undergo a deflationary trend of roughly 30 times by the fourth quarter of 2023.

In less than a minute, we want to convert our Discord server and Telegram platform into a Collaborative Hub for Education and Exchange (CHEX).

The current platform enables community members to engage in trade activities and participate in debates related to trade, providing a centralized and accessible site for these interactions.

Futures trading is fraught with peril, so please be prepared. Futures are subject to market volatility, which can result in a substantial loss of capital. You may be compelled to make extra payments down the road if you trade such items, including those traded on margin. Since there is always a chance of losing money or having to sell an investment, you should never put up more money than you can afford to lose. Always operate in a moral manner when conducting business.

Bubble includes 36-hour-closing futures smart contracts

These contracts provide the same flexibility as futures and perpetual in that both long and short positions can be traded during the term of the contract. In the event that a trader does not close or roll over an open position before its expiration date, the trader will get $USDC as a settlement. Because of its simplicity, Binance Coin (BFB) allows investors to quickly and easily speculate on any cryptocurrency, from the most established ones like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) to the newest fads like Memecoin (MEM).

Despite their growing popularity as a tool for crypto speculation, perpetual futures’ complexity has sometimes prevented regular investors from getting in on the action. Traders of all skill levels can benefit from Bubble Futures Bot’s simplified approach.

With Bubble Futures Bot as the initial financial product offering (FPO), we urge the community to supply liquidity to the loan pool, similar to how customers store money in their banks (while banks cheat them over by earning a lot of money on their money and compensating them with absolutely nothing).

An investor: The borrower will obtain cash from the lending pool at an interest rate of 3.6% for a duration of 36 hours, with the intention of enhancing leverage on their trades and augmenting the likelihood of generating profits. Naturally, there is an inherent risk of further escalation.

Being a lender: In exchange for contributing to the lending pool, you will get a daily interest of 3.6% on your active lending. If you put money into a traditional decentralized lending pool, the odds of seeing your money used decrease as the pool expands. So that early lenders may benefit most from the features of a platform like FCFS, our protocol gives those lenders a higher priority for spending their money.

Market Predictions

Since futures trading is predicated on wagering against price movements, Bubble Futures Bot will utilize the Ethereum-based Chain Link price oracle to access real-time quotes from both conventional and decentralized exchanges.

Developer of BubbleBot

The company’s signature item is the Future Trade Bot. The team spots this gap and portrays itself as an initiative that not only satisfies financial aspirations but also injects a feeling of joy through memes, gaming, and community involvement.

The Bubblebot team is anything but average; we are a bunch of vivacious individuals brought together by our shared excitement for innovation, blockchain technology, and the endless possibilities personified by Dang’s. We’d like to introduce you to Mikey Mile, our bright CTO, who developed his amazing engineering prowess and inventive mind while completing an internship at Pancakeswap. He expertly negotiates both traditional markets and the thrilling world of cryptocurrency with the acute trading mind of a trader. In addition to his wonderful sense of humor, Mikey contributes insightful strategic thinking to our endeavor.

For more information visit:







Bitcointalk Username: Radit Aditya

Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3398606

Telegram Username: @RaditAditya1244

Wallet: 0xfc0f5E2D84170a19Dbd7b287061bE8261d273257

