SaTT : Changing the Face of Online Advertising

3 min readJan 8, 2019


Currently, the digital advertising market is proliferating and holds 33% of all investment in advertising, which is higher than the investment in television advertisements. The revenue generated by the digital marketing firms has also been rising rapidly. There are various means by which the success rate is measured depending on the models of business through different mediums. However, there has been a significant problem with standardization. Thus, while the return on this investment is predicted to be high, it cannot be easily quantified.

Atayen Inc. has introduced the SaTT (Smart Advertising Transaction Token) for a digital advertising platform. The digital advertising platform is operative mainly with three components — the advertisers, the publishers, and the oracles. This not only creates a common platform for the various stakeholders of the industry, but it also creates a stable means for quantifying the results by using third-party APIs. Moreover, it gives a statistically comprehensive analysis using another specialized application which is meant for analyzing the results on a particular medium, for example, Instagram.

The Platform

The purpose of the SaTT platform is to make online advertising fast and reliable while reducing the cost of the whole process. The platform uses smart contracts and blockchain technology to ensure the security and integrity of data. This would mean that no tampering with the data will be possible on the platform. Once the set criteria have been met, the smart contract will automatically make the payments.

The market offers will be gathered over a decentralized database, and the payments are automatically triggered. This will reduce the chances of fraud, and also the final cost, by making the sector more competitive.

The Advertiser

The advertiser refers to the brand or individual who wants to increase the penetration of their product or brand. They can define the domain and level of expertise of the publisher, along with the target audience.

When the publisher starts the campaign, they can check the statistics on the status of the campaign. The advertiser also receives decent profits on investment. The SaTT can be used to exchange for further campaigns or exclusive services, and other products.

The publisher

The profiles of the publishers are analyzed before actions are assigned to them. They are given to work on certain suitable campaigns; and after they have met the pre-determined standards which were built into the smart contract, the payment is initiated. The publisher might avail the advertiser’s product or exchange the SaTT amount received for fiat.


These are various third-party APIs which the advertiser gets to choose based on which the smart contracts check the criteria fulfillment regarding certain industry standards.


The SaTT seeks to create a comprehensive digital advertising platform that will plug the holes to create a seamless experience for all stakeholders involved in this extremely important industry. It will help bring leanness by cutting down unnecessary costs and giving everybody a fair opportunity to reap the extensive rewards of this industry. All users get an opportunity to become part of a unique digital marketing community which is absolutely stable, secure and highly efficient.




Smart Advertising Transaction Token is an Ethereum blockchain-based utility token enabling exchanges of audience and advertising payment.