Polygon: The Google of Web3

Satvik Sharma
Block Magnates
Published in
5 min readFeb 8, 2023


Google might as well be a monopoly at this point!

When was the last time you used a Google-based service? Chances are, you have a Gmail tab open in your browser as you read this. Your browser will show ads based on your online activity. Google decides which ads you will see based on its algorithm. Everyone who has used the Internet for more than 15 minutes knows the stronghold that Google has.

However, the current generation of the Internet, known as web2, is being superseded. Just as Google has developed an enviable network across the Internet, I believe Polygon will do the same in web3.

As things stand now, Google has a solution for every problem. A small list of Google projects:

  1. Gmail for your emails
  2. Google for searching the web
  3. Chrome for conducting the searches
  4. Sheets, slides and docs for productivity
  5. Play games and Play books for, well, games and books

The point is, no matter how much you try not to, you WILL interact with a Google project if you use the Internet. And seeing as you are reading this article (follow me, btw!), you are probably using it.

The chronological development of the Internet

Before we go any further, here is a gross oversimplification of web3:


Web1 is the first generation of the Internet. The first generation comprised everything from boring, plain HTML websites to bizarre and wacky early 2000s webpages. This ‘wild west’ era paved the way for industry standards and commercialization of the Internet.


Web2 is the current iteration of the Internet. As more people, businesses and transactions moved online, the Internet also evolved to incorporate all the necessary digital services. Web2 started with social media like Facebook and now comprises everything from surreal memes to Zoom calls.

It is safe to say that the basics of both these versions of the Internet are similar. Both web1 and web2 used the same building blocks of WWW and HTML. Web3, on the other hand, might feel like web2 but would be based on a completely different technology.


Web3, or the third iteration of the Internet, will have completely different building blocks. Your dApps would be built on blockchains and supported by NFTs and metaverses. And to govern this new Internet, newer technology is under construction. As I write this, the Canto blockchain and its innovative gas fee optimization protocol is the latest craze.

I covered the versions of the Internet that goes deep into the topics. Check it out!

Coming back to Polygon

So, what has this got anything to do with Polygon? Put simply, Polygon is creating a vast array of products that the next generation of path-breaking dApps will use. When you order your food online, the delivery path is guided by Google Maps. In my case, 9 out of 10 transactions are done via Google Pay.

I believe that Polygon has the potential to handle a lot of services in the industry. Just like Google does in web2. Polygon is a layer-2 scaling solution for the Ethereum blockchain that increases its usability by enhancing the network’s speed.

Aside from the utility in increasing Ethereum’s accessibility, Polygon also provides tons of different services. Some of the better-known Polygon projects include:

  1. Polygon PoS: This is the proof-of-stake blockchain that is added to the Ethereum blockchain to enhance the speed and scalability of ETH.
  2. Polygon Supernets: Custom blockchain builder for Polygon. Helps you with quickly setting up blockchains.
  3. Polygon zkEVM: A zk Rollup is a Layer 2 solution that allows the blockchain to keep transaction costs minimum while enhancing the speed and scalability of the blockchain. Polygon says their tech reduces transaction costs by 90%!
  4. Polygon Edge: Another way to set up Ethereum-compatible custom blockchains.

Apart from these dev tools, the Polygon ecosystem also provides user-level products like wallets, bridges and blockchain explorers.

Let’s look at a potential blockchain that can be created using just the Polygon and Ethereum tech. Our hypothetical blockchain will be built on the Supernets or Edge network for easier development. As for network security and transaction costs, zkEVM’s technology is second to none.

If you want to scale your custom blockchain to an enterprise or business level, you will use Polygon Nightfall. And since Polygon is built on a PoS blockchain, you can assure that there will be little to no inflation over time. Both in terms of their currency and carbon emissions.

And tons of big projects are using Polygon to improve their own usability. As dApps become more and more complex, you will start to see a little Polygon extension here and there in pretty much every platform. All that remains to be seen is how much would others be able to compete with it!


The point is, your entire Internet journey can be facilitated through Google and all of its services. You create a Gmail ID, and that is your digital footprint.

With the advent of web3 tech and the integration of blockchain technology in every aspect of digital life, Polygon will be invaluable. It is already surpassing Ethereum in prominent departments.

All that remains are more consumer-level dApps, and the deal will be set in my opinion!

If you want more such articles going deep into the various building blocks of the blockchain ecosystem, then follow me for the ride!



Exploring the world of blockchains and cataloging it with my writing! Helping dotshm grow! Twitter: @7vik_writes