An Experience Worth Sharing: Google Code-In 2018

Satvik Shrivastava
2 min readDec 11, 2018


Hey, I’m Satvik Shrivastava. I participated in Google Code-In 2018. Here’s my experience of working with OpenMRS.

What is Google Code-In?

Google Code-In is a global contest with an aim to introduce young minds to open source for high school students. Click here to learn more.

What is OpenMRS?

OpenMRS is a software platform and a reference application which enables the design of a customized medical records system with no programming knowledge. Click here to learn more.


I choose OpenMRS as my organisation because I was fascinated by OpenMRS’s idea of providing an online medical record system which eventually helps in saving lives. The best thing about OpenMRS’s community is how it’s very cordial and welcoming. I like how they are always ready to help and support.

My skill set is primarily designing and most of my submissions are for the same. My designing skills have reallyyyyyy improved and I would like to thank GCI and OpenMRS for providing me with this opportunity.

I did a total of 30 tasks including 21 design tasks for OpenMRS. You can check my design contributions to OpenMRS here in this portfolio.

What did I learn?


I learned how professionalism works in the Design industry. I learned the process of proposing a design including discussion of requirements, wireframe designs and proposal of mock UI. I learned how important it is to meet client's (mentor’s) expectations for optimum quality in the submission.


I learned how to be patient. I never had any complaints on review time, even at times when it was 30+ hours. Instead, I loved the fact that mentors observed our submissions very thoroughly and had remarked on even the smallest elements of the submission.

Community Involvement

I learned the importance of community. It was amazing to be a part of the OpenMRS’s huge community, helping others through it, reporting issues and being the part of various discussions. I have met amazing people here at OpenMRS, not just awesome mentors but awesome competitors as well.

Why should you take part?

GCI will introduce you to the world of open source. You will learn so many things and gain experience which you will never forget. This two-month journey will have an impact on your communication skills, design, coding, researching and other skills. It’s really fun being part of this contest, meeting amazing people and showcasing your efforts. Also, don’t forget to Google search the prizes for this contest! ;)

What next?

I will continue contributing to OpenMRS through design works, quality assurance, testings, documentation, coding and in all the ways possible. Looking forward to work on the GCI site and the Annual Report 2018! ;)

PS. Complete details on my design works can be found here.

Thanks for reading.

