How to get rid of Login Screen Loop in Ubuntu ?

Satyabrat Bhol
2 min readMay 26, 2018


Login Screen Loop is no new issue in Ubuntu Platform with the latest LTS version 18.04 have been reported to have such issues.

First of all why such problem arise ? The answer is quite simple — it could be the reason of a faulty Nvidia/AMD installation , it could be from an unfinished software update or it could be something weird like PATH errors in the system( happened to me 😥 ).

Most importantly we need which errors are causing the loop. For that we need to go into the terminal mode . It can be done by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1 or Ctrl+Alt+F3. After logging into the terminal type :

cat .xsession-errors

I will be suggesting 4 methods to get the problem solved.

Method 1 :

  1. Run ls -ld /tmp . You should check for the first 10 letters. It should be the way as given.
ls -ld /tmp
drwxrwxrwt 15 User User 4096 May 11 12:21 /tmp

2. Change the permissions.

sudo chmod a+wt /tmp

Method 2 :

  1. Reinstalling Ubuntu lightdm.
sudo apt-get purge lightdm
sudo apt-get install lightdm
dpkg-reconfigure lightdm

2. Now reboot your system.

Method 3 :

It involves changing .Xauthority file in the system. It’s a file found in each users home directory that is used to store credentials used by xauth for authentication of X sessions. Usually it simply holds an authentication “cookie” . Follow here to know more about it.

  1. Run ls -lah. Look for the line that ends with .Xauthority
ls -lah
-rw------- 1 User User 51 May 11 13:55 .Xauthority

2. Now we need to chown.

chown username:username .Xauthority

3. Try renaming it. Reboot your system after that.

mv .Xauthority .Xauthority.bak

Last method :

I guess everybody knows what gonna be the last solution. Cheers!! you were right. Reinstall your system 😅… which i did in my case because i messed up my Path variables while installing Apache Maven.

I hope you got your problem solved !! 😀😀

