Reinvention is a daily need.

3 min readApr 14, 2023


Now the question – what reinvention is?

It is simply fine-tuning or time-tuning or purpose-tuning yourself for optimising human potentials. Generally speaking tuning refers to the process of making adjustments in order to achieve desired level of performance. It is both an art as well as a process.

I am used to board 8:50 a.m. local train to get to my workplace. It’s a 10 minutes journey. Ideally I should be at my workplace by 9:15 a.m. One lucky day I realised, that its already 9:45 a.m. and I have not yet started working. I was bogged down heavily and started wondering about the gap of these 30 precious minutes. It was a serious matter, specially with the realisation that I’ve been wasting 30 minutes daily. After much deliberation I was able to track this huge daily loss and its reasons. Consequently I started realigning my thought process, my behaviour and actions accordingly. For me it was kind of reinventing myself.

When you have to achieve a desired level of performance or efficiency, you necessarily need to get fine-tuned. Fine-tuning is incremental in nature and specific to objective. This doesn’t directly contribute to raising your level of efficiency, rather it is about tweaking one’s thoughts and actions for achieving desired level of efficiency. It can be in the form of a nudge, a realisation, an instruction, ultimatums and so on..

The compass for reinvention is to constantly hatch on the idea of suitability. Suitability for your target level of efficiency.

Why reinvention is needed? The sole purpose of reinvention is evolution as a human being, and it goes quite naturally. Either you are evolving or descending back to oblivion. Reinvention keeps you floating, and if you are floating only then you can go forward, else you are doomed.

Given todays Cut-throat competition and the varieties of demands put on the individuals, we are surrounded by so many distractions and disturbances, disturbances within and outside like never before. If we are not reinventing, we’re drifting and, drifting will bring only misery and non performance, so reinvention has become a daily need.

One needs to fine-tune oneself on a daily basis. It keeps you relevant in today’s dynamic and ever-evolving world .

Reinvention as a process, starts with quietening the mind that leads to an exploration of oneself. To quiet your mind, biggest help comes from your surroundings. Your immediate environment is the biggest enabler. The do-able here is to cut the clutter in physical environment and try to eliminate all the negative influences out there, which may cause disharmony or imbalance of energy.

The achievable part here is to get more free time, higher positive energy and proper frame of mind in order to be able to explore oneself.

