For what reason is everybody changing to Kangen water? Mystery uncovered!

5 min readNov 4, 2019


The world, as we probably am aware it, is progressing at a quick pace, as is innovation. Life has gotten quick paced, yearnings of individuals have taken off and making due with anything short of the best is old fashioned. Life in a hurry is the new typical. We are so invested in our enthusiasm to accomplish our objectives that we neglect to focus on our bodies and its needs. Your body is an impression of your way of life and what we put in our body is the thing that it gives us back.

kangen water
alkaline water

Way of life or Degenerative Diseases

Every degenerative illness or clutters influencing our body are an appearance of our way of life. We devour low quality nourishment, refreshments like soda pops, caffeinated drinks, saved nourishments just to spare time and be progressively “beneficial” at work, which gradually appears as degenerative infections. What are degenerative maladies? All illnesses which are the consequence of the acids and poisons in our body are called degenerative maladies. Acids destroy our organs gradually. Our essential organs like cerebrum, heart, liver, lungs and kidney are the CPUs of our body and they need oxygenated blood for productive working and our auxiliary organs feed off their proficiency. So how would we oversee and flush out the poisons and acids that we unwittingly expend every day? All things considered, our Japanese companions have acted the hero with a progressive kangen water ionizer which switches the sharpness in our body to alkalinity.

An Alkaline Body

A body is said to be in an antacid state when the pH level of the blood is more than 8pH. pH is a compound image which estimates the sharpness or alkalinity of an answer/fluid. The “arrangement” on account of our body is our blood. The base pH level of blood ought to be 7pH which is unbiased alkalinity. On the off chance that the pH level of our blood is more than 8pH, our body is said to be soluble and free of poisons. We have all concentrated in our science class about the cell structure of our body. Cells furnish vitality to our body with the assistance of oxygen, which our blood conveys to them as expected. Lacking oxygen in the blood prompts sicknesses. An antacid body is an oxygen bounteous body which lifts its insusceptibility and turns around causticity in this way avoiding degenerative illnesses.

What is Kangen water?

Kangen water is electrolyzed-diminished soluble water, which is made utilizing Enagic’s creative water innovation. Water is H2O, which means two hydrogen particles for one oxygen iota. Normal water has equivalent number of OH-particles and H+ particles. Antacid water has unmistakably more OH-particles which just implies that basic water has more oxygen than ordinary water, consequently progressively helpful.

What are its medical advantages?

The Kangen water ionizer produces 5 kinds of water.

1. 2.5pH: Acidic water for skin problems like psoriases, dermatitis, rashes, cut and wounds.

2. 6pH: Beauty water for skin conditioning, conditioner for hair, washing.

3. 7pH: Neutral water for drug, infant bolsters.

4. 8.5pH to 9.5pH: Pure soluble water for wellbeing, imperativeness and counteractive action of sicknesses.

5. 11.5pH: Highly soluble water to rinse vegetables, products of the soil nourishment things.

Where the Kangen water ranges from 8.5 to 9.5, its advantages are as per the following:

1. Hydration

2. Detoxification

3. Balanced Body pH

4. Anti-maturing

5. Weight Loss

6. Heart, Health and Blood Pressure

7. Liver Health

8. Bone Health

9. Sports Health

10. Sports and Physical Performance

Additionally, there are likewise demonstrated tributes of the advantages of Kangen water after continued and customary utilization

1. Kangen water 2.5 pH is known to fix skin afflictions like psoriasis, dermatitis and so forth

2. Customary utilization of alkaline water filter controls sugar levels, thyroid issues, improves excretory capacities and fixes liver related diseases

3. Utilization of kangen water controls cholesterol and battles heart infirmities.

4. It supports resistance to battle viral and airborne infections.

5. Additionally, malignant growth cells can’t flourish in a basic domain and since our water is soluble, it keeps disease causing specialists away.

It’s the water with taste

Indeed! Science may have instructed us that water is boring, yet innovation is instructing us that it very well may be flavorful. This water tastes marginally better than your standard one. Drinking 2–3 cups of Kangen antacid water each morning and for the duration of the day adjusts and evacuates the acidic impacts of your suppers.

Purify your nourishment of synthetic substances and hurtful added substances

Washing or drenching veggies like onion, bamboo shoots, and meat in Kangen water for 20–30 minutes cleans away the synthetic substances, leftovers of pesticides and additives. You need to see it to trust it!!

A more advantageous, more delectable and more extravagant espresso just as tea

The smell and taste of espresso and tea is everything for you, would it say it isn’t? All things considered, you will be astounded to perceive how the utilization of alkaline water improves it.

New blooms, crisp condition.

Kangen water benefits your plants by expanding their freshness and life. The more freshness in your home, the more beneficial your condition remains.

No more lack of hydration

The ideal equation of this water offers you with ideal hydration, which is essential for enduring the searing warmth.

Say farewell to earth and intense stains

While acidic water deals with your skin issues, it additionally cares for your kitchen. From general cleaning of your kitchen to cutting sheets, the slick and extreme grimes on vents to evacuating intense espresso stains, alkaline water is the ideal answer for everything grimy.

Save money on water bills

This water utilizes less cleanser for washing dishes, and subsequently, decreases the utilization of water. Only 33% measure of Kangen water is important to clean your dishes appropriately. In this way, additional reserve funds on the water bills.

Since you realize that Kangen water has such a significant number of medical advantages and valuable uses around the family unit, even you can do a switch. Purchase a Kangen machine for yourself today, and remain hydrated and solid, until the end of time!




Drinking plenty of water on a daily basis is vital to our health.