Awesome Figma Shortcuts to use Figma Like a Pro

Satyam Anand
4 min readJul 14, 2022


Awesome Figma Shortcuts — I

Hi Figma users,

If you have been using Figma for quite some time or are new to the tool, these shortcuts will surely increase your design workflow thus enabling you to deliver designs quickly and efficiently.

This article will demonstrate some fantastic Figma features and Shortcuts that will significantly boost your design efficiency.

The software Figma is a very well-liked and well-known tool for UI Design. Anyone wishing to develop their design abilities should use it. The application itself has a tone of very helpful functions or features that can enhance your design abilities.

Additionally, this post will provide you with the basic knowledge you need to get started with Figma, make it the finest software in its category, and boost your productivity while producing stunning designs using Figma.

1. Ignore Autolayout

Press the SpaceBar key while dragging to avoid auto-layout and place elements on top of it.

This is a very handy feature when your design has elements arranged in rows or columns or set to “auto-layout” and you want to place elements discarding the auto-layout, just anywhere you like.

Ignore Autolayout

I use it in my daily Figma workflow.

2. Quick Search Menu

In order to quickly access the Quick Search Menu, just press Ctrl Key ( CMD on Mac) and the “/” key together.

Quick Search is like a spotlight search for Figma. You can search the entire library, assets, plugins, widgets and a lot more using the built-in Figma Quick Search.

Quick Search Menu

3. Quick Link Copy

Whenever you want to share any Frame in Figma, just select the frame and press Ctrl + L or CMD+L (on Mac ).

You will get a shareable link to the selected frame.

Quick Link

4. Toggle Design & Prototype Mode

In order to quickly switch between Design Tab and Prototype Tab in Figma, there is a shortcut to perform this.

Press Shift + E Key

Toggle Design & Prototype

5. Scale without Distortion

This is the most common issue, we get when we resize any document in Figma, it gets distorted.

In order to scale it, keeping the proportions between the elements, just keep pressing the K key and then drag to Scale.

It will retain the design layout proportionally.

Scale without Distortion

6. Out Of Frame Drag

If you want to drag any element out of the Frame, still keeping it inside the layers, you can use this shortcut.

Hold SpaceBar Key and then Drag Elements

Out Of Frame Drag

7. Drop Multiples Images to Placeholder Shapes

Let us assume, you have created many shapes and want to fill them with images. You can do it quickly by pressing

Ctrl (CMD) + Shift Key + K.

Select the images and drop them into your shapes. It’s done.

Drop to Multiple Shape Placeholders

8. Panning Canvas

Keyboard Shortcut for Panning Canvas in Figma

Press Z Key and press Arrow Keys to pan across.

Press Shift Key + Z + Arrow Keys to pan with bigger Nudges.

Panning Canvas

9. Zoom to Selection

In order to zoom to any selection, or frame, just select it and press the Shift Key + “2” key.

You can also keep holding Z Key & draw a rectangle to zoom to it.

Zoom to Selection

10. Show Outline Mode

If you wish to switch to Outline Mode in Figma Document, Press CMD + Y Key.

You will be able to see the whole document design in its outline mode without shapes and colors.

Outline Mode

I hope this article helped you gain basic keyboard shortcuts for starting design in Figma. Do share your favourite Figma shortcut that makes your Design Life very easy.

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Thank You for reading.

#figmatool #figmashortcuts #figmatips #designhacks #uidesign



Satyam Anand

UI-UX Developer from India | Help You Grow in UIUX | Design Blogger