How Yoga Helps You Stay Focused

Satyam Goyal
2 min readSep 9, 2021

Do you sometimes find it hard to stay alert, active, and focused? You have so much on your plate to think about: school exams, homework, parents, friends, sports practice, band rehearsal, and more. Trying to keep track of all that you must do can wear you down. Yes, you can gulp down a caffeinated drink or two to stay alert and productive, but what if there was something else that can increase your stamina, help you feel more motivated, and improve your mental performance? (Ok…before you start thinking that this was some late-night ad you see on YouTube while you’re cramming for an exam, hang on, and keep reading.) Mindfulness….yes, mindfulness…can boost your energy and give you that mental recharge you’ve been looking for.

Mindfulness can be practiced anytime and anywhere. It has a very simple concept- just live in the present and forget about all past and future. Just give your 100% to whatever you are doing and come out of the thoughts of the past activity or future planning.

And when you coordinate the living in the present with breathing and physical exercise a series of positive responses occur. Without getting too technical, practicing any style of yoga triggers a part of the brain that reduces the stress and pain response and increases the pleasure centers and mental activity.

Yoga heightens mental actions like problem-solving, decision making, mood regulation, and memory due to the direct impact of yoga on your cortex. Why does this work? There’s scientific proof that the combination of breathing and moving has a direct and positive relationship with your brain function.

It’s so easy to get hung up on how you did on yesterday’s chemistry test or preparing for tomorrow’s football game; that’s what makes us so stressed out all the time. To feel more centered, focused, and connected, you must find ways to stay present. Voila!

So do yourself a favor, get a yoga mat, and start busting out some yoga poses. In a matter of weeks, you’ll be seeing life in a whole new way.



Satyam Goyal

Student @ AHS | Spreading Mindfulness & STEM Education