Creating Medium stories via RSS

Saul Carlin
2 min readOct 8, 2015

It’s now simple to cross-post via your site’s existing RSS feeds or a new RSS feed curated specifically for Medium.

To enable this, we’ve partnered with IFTTT (short for “if this then that”), a third-party service that allows you to create rules (or “recipes”) that automate how devices, apps, and websites work with each other.

Before you get started with these instructions, create and sign into your Medium and IFTTT accounts and make sure you have a valid RSS feed containing accepted markup.

Setting up your feed

  1. Visit the Medium Channel on IFTTT and click Connect.
  2. Visit the RSS-to-Medium recipe and click the gray Advanced Settings link underneath the blue Add button.
  3. Paste your feed URL where it says Paste a Feed URL here.
  4. Click the blue Add button.

You’re done! As new posts are published to the RSS feed, they will begin populating on the Drafts page of your Medium account, where you can access, edit, and publish them on Medium. Updates occur every 15 minutes.

Further customization

There are additional options on the Advanced Settings page which allow you to further customize your Medium posts.

  • Title. This field determines the URL slug and title meta associated with the post, but not the title that is displayed in the post itself.
  • Content Format. For RSS feeds, this should be left set to “HTML”.
  • Content. This determines the title, hero image, body styling, and attribution of the post. Advanced users may wish to customize this, but we recommend most users leave it at the default setting.
  • Publish Status. Posts are created as drafts by default, but you can change this to “Public” so that all posts in your RSS feed are immediately published live on Medium.
  • Tags. You can add up to three tags, separated by commas, to make your stories more discoverable on Medium. These tags you specify will be applied to every story published via your feed. Note: If you plan to create posts as drafts and publish them manually on Medium, we recommend leaving Tags blank, as Medium will suggest tags specific to each post based on its content.
  • License. The default license is “All Rights Reserved,” but you can change this to one of our other license options.
  • Canonical URL. This tells search engines that the original post is the preferred destination for search results. You shouldn’t change this unless you’d rather search engines direct users to your Medium posts.


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