Matrix products, Mathematics and ImplementationsI would like to better understand the correspondence between the inner and outer product in the Mathematics of Array (MoA), an algebra of…Sep 25, 2018Sep 25, 2018
PLDI 2018Here are some notes I am taking at the MAPL and ARRAY workshops at PLDI.Jun 18, 2018Jun 18, 2018
Random notes from learning llvmliteI have been using llvmlite to try to create XND kernels at runtime for Numba jitted functions. It’s docs and test cases have been very…May 1, 2018May 1, 2018
Why is Clojure starting so slowly? (entropy)I am not sure if this will happen to anyone else. But I thought I would share the answer to my struggles in the past couple of days to…Jan 27, 2018Jan 27, 2018
Sontag and Data ScienceThe ethics of using natural language processing to understand police fatalities.Jan 11, 2018Jan 11, 2018
Platform Coop Conference 2017 — NotesHere are the notes I took over the past weekend, oldest first.Nov 12, 20171Nov 12, 20171
Democracy/Society readingsIn progress reading and notes — comments encouraged.Oct 31, 2017Oct 31, 2017
Testing for Zombie GoroutinesRecently I have been working on some stage lighting control softeware, written in Go. In my tests, I spin up a websocket TCP server plus…Jul 5, 2017Jul 5, 2017
Improving Docker build times in Gitlab CIWe use Gitlab CI to build and test Docker images, using their public runners and docker-in-docker. We were having problems of build times…Jun 29, 20171Jun 29, 20171