How to use gRPC and protobuf in nodeJS microservice?

6 min readApr 28, 2019

In a long time, we are using REST service for sharing data between client and server. We are using the HTTP/1 protocol for transmitting data in textual format with encryption.

HTTP needs various metadata to specify the type of data, type of compression and many more headers. We need to sent additional data like header, status, type of compression and datatype. Due to HTTP/1.1 transmits textual data we are always using some serialization method (JSON/XML) to make the data parsable and human readable.

Why protobuf?

Protobuf is the new trending serialization method prepared by Google which acts as a serialization method in transmission medium between the HTTP transport layer. The most special thing in protobuf serialization is HTTP/2.

Google is developing technology to make the web faster. Protobuf is designed by Google which means it will work as a protocol buffer to transmit data only in buffers.

Once go through the official documentation of protobuf by google.

Google designed a language proto3 to make the serialization easier. I am not going to explain the proto3 language. If you are unaware of proto3 then once go through the language guide by Google here

Why HTTP/2?

It is a new protocol and faster than HTTP/1.1 protocol. It transmits data in binary, not in the textual format is the main reason behind the error-free transmission.

  • It is highly reliable to transfer data between the server and the client.
  • Single connection for multiple files: It can able to transfer multiple files in a single request.
  • Request and response streaming: Most powerful feature of HTTP/2 is request and response streaming which can able to send multiple requests and receive multiple responses in a single connection like a stream. (I will explain more about request and response streaming in this article with some interesting examples).
  • Go through the link to see how faster the HTTP/2 protocol is.


The real world is moving towards the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) to making the infrastructure more scalable. We are going to use gRPC technology to making the remote connection because of it really faster than any other service like REST, SOAP and socket. If you are unaware of gRPC then once go through the official documentation of gRPC it supports many languages you can find the language guide here .

Here are some brief ideas about proto3 language.

Let’s make a simple request model that contains the user’s name in string type.


Save this file as user.proto. Now the proto request model is ready to compile.

We are going to use some NPM packages to load the proto file internally. If You need to compile manually you can use protoc compile to compile the proto file.

Let’s create a simple welcome application which handles request and response.

In this application, I am going to send only the user’s name in the request and will receive the response as ‘Hello <User> Welcome to the world’.

  • Create a directory named ‘welcome-world’, and go to the directory in terminal.
  • Hit ‘npm init’ and follow the instructions to initialize the project.
  • inside that create a proto directory where the proto files will be stored.
  • Create a server directory where the server files will be stored and create a client directory where the client files will be stored.

Finally, your directory structure should look like this

(Please ignore the .idea directory)

Let’s create service inside the .proto file to handle requests and responses. Insert below code in the welcome-world.proto file

service WelcomeService {
// this service method needs to be implemented.
rpc greetUser(WelcomeRequest) returns (WelcomeResponse) {};

Your welcome-world.proto will be


Here I have created a service named Welcome service which will contain our RPC methods.

I have created a simple RPC method named greetUser which accepts the request as message type “WelcomeRequest” and returns message type “welcome response”.This is the declaration of the RPC method we need to implement it inside our server. Let’s implement the service in our nodeJS application. Write the code below in your server.js file.


Here we have created a gRPC server in which we have implemented the greetUser RPC method which returns the response inside the callback.

The next step is to create a client to hit the service through the proto file.

Your client.js file will be

Run the server file $ node server.js

Run the client file $ node client.js

We have created a simple client-server application using gRPC and protobuf.

Next I am going to explain what is request-response streaming.

Request response streaming!

Request response streaming means you can able to send multiple requests and receive multiple responses in one TCP connection. It will improve your performance of the application while exchanging data through the web.

Request-response streaming with protobuf serialized content.

Here two services sharing their resources through gRPC in proto serialized contents, here gRPC opens a streaming connection between the services so that multiple request and responses can be shared within one connection.

gRPC opens a writable stream to write multiple responses.

We will make a deep dive into the requests and responses streaming in the next example.

Chat group application

Here I have created a chat service and four clients for the chat group.

The main idea of the application is that the service will create a chat group and the four clients can chat with each other in that chat group through gRPC stream.


Create a directory named ‘chat-group’ which will contain our main chat server and inside that create a proto and server directory.

The directory structure of the project.

Note: Please ignore .idea directory.


Initialize a normal node project

$ npm init

Install the grpc and proto loader package

$ npm install --save @grpc/proto-loader

Create the chat.proto file in the proto directory.

Paste the below code in the chat.proto file inside the proto dir

Here I have created an RPC method join which will stream multiple messages which contain user and text.


Create a server.js file inside the server directory and paste the below code in the file.

Let's create the client service for the application.


Let's create another project directory named chat-client

Inside that create a proto directory, copy the chat.proto file from chat-group/proto/chat.proto and paste inside the chat-client/proto directory.

Here we are copying the RPC declarations into our client-side.


Initialize this client application

$npm init

Install the grpc and proto packages

$ npm install — save grpc @grpc/proto-loader


Create a client.js file in the root directory.

Paste the below code in the client.js file.


Your project structure should look like this:

client-application structure.

We have created a chat group service and client service.

Use the below commands to run the project.

Step-1 (to run the server)

Go to chat-group/server directory

$ cd chat-group/server/

$ node server.js

Step-2 (to run the client)

Go to the chat-client directory

$ cd chat-client

$node client.js

Run the client in your friend’s machine and enjoy the fun. 😃 😃

Note: You need to change the server address from to your server’s IP address and port if you want to share this with your friends.

You can find the code directly from here



