Waking up On the Right Side: 7 Habits to Upgrade Your Mornings

3 min readJan 17, 2024


Mornings make or break our days. When you start the day off right, you set yourself up for a productive, focused, and happy day ahead. But snooze through your alarms after tossing and turning all night, and you face an uphill battle.

The most successful people don’t leave their mornings up to chance. They optimize their a.m. routines to energize themselves, focus their minds, and tackle the day’s challenges. Take Oprah Winfrey, who wakes up at 5:30 a.m. to fit in meditation, exercise, breakfast, and journaling before her workday starts. Compare that to the average person hitting snooze over and over, then rushing out the door disoriented, hungry, and already behind schedule.

The good news? With some simple habit adjustments, you can transform your mornings from bleary-eyed and stressful to refreshing and inspiring. Here are seven science-backed morning habits to give yourself that Oprah-level edge:

1. Wake Up Earlier

It’s hard if you’re used to sleeping in. But consider this: rising just 60-90 minutes earlier gives you invaluable “buffer time” in the morning. You can move at your own pace, focus on self-care, and start the day feeling calm and collected.

The Science Behind Morning Routines -https://www.bakadesuyo.com/2018/12/morning-routines/

2. Hydrate Immediately

You just went 6+ hours without fluids. Rehydrate first thing by drinking two full glasses of water shortly after getting out of bed. Your mind and body will thank you.

3. Exercise

Even 10 minutes of exercise in the morning has mental and physical benefits that last all day. Get your blood pumping with some quick yoga, bodyweight exercises, or cardio.

Best Morning Routines of CEOs — https://journal.thriveglobal.com/the-morning-routines-of-the-most-successful-people-51c75d5e3aed

4. “Hour of Power”

Dedicate your first 60 morning minutes to high-focus tasks before draining e-mails and texts start pouring in. Use this “hour of power” to plan your day, work on key projects, or knock out that blog post you’ve been putting off.

5. Movement > Meditation

Rather than sit still to meditate first thing, try walking or stretching meditations to energize both your mind and body. Some fresh air and sunlight is beneficial too if you can get outside.

TheIdeal Morning Routine for Maximum Energy — https://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/the-ideal-morning-routine-for-maximum-energy.html

6. Breakfast IS the Most Important Meal.

Despite what intermittent fasting trends suggest, breakfast eaters have better focus, performance, and stable energy compared to skippers. Fuel up with lean protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs.

7. Phone-Free Morning

Unless for your alarm, don’t even look at your phone for the first 1-2 hours you’re awake. Let your mind ease into the day without digital distraction. Check news and notifications on your terms when you’re feeling centered and productive.

American Heart Association on Benefits of Walking — https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/fitness/walking/the-amazing-health-benefits-of-walking

Transforming Morning Misery into Motivation

As you can see, the most empowering morning routines prioritize self-care alongside productivity. Don’t overschedule yourself to the point of exhaustion right out of the gate. And avoid putting yourself in a time deficit by snoozing half the morning away.

With some adjustments based on these 7 habits, you can start conquering days feeling energized, clear-headed and inspired. Your improved outlook will trickle down through your whole life. So be like Oprah, not your half-asleep neighbors, when that alarm goes off tomorrow!

