Outlier detection using the RANSAC algorithm

saurabh dasgupta
6 min readJan 31, 2020



In this article we will explore the Random Sample Consensus algorithm — more popularly known by the acronym RANSAC. This is an iterative and a non-deterministic algorithm that helps in eliminating outliers. This algorithm is commonly used to solve computer vision challenges. In this article I have presented the motivation for the RANSAC algorithm and the source code for a simplistic implementation using Python.

Problem definition

Consider the distribution of points in the following diagram.

Data points free from noise

The human mind can immediately spot that all the points in this distribution but for one is aligned in a straight line and the mind has no difficulty in distinguishing the inliers from the outliers. How can me make the computer emulate this aspect of the human behavior? The RANSAC algorithm attempts to address this challenge.

Traditional approach — Fitting a straight line

Consider the points above. How do we find a line which fits this distribution? One of the popular approaches is the least square distance method. In this approach we:

  1. Create a cost function which sum up the distance of all points from the line
  2. Iteratively tinker with the equation of the line and evaluate the cost function
  3. Select the line line which yields the lowest cost function

How do we build a cost function?

  • Consider any point Pi with coordinates Xi,Yi
  • Consider a straight line with the equation y=m.x+c where m is the slope and the c is the Y-intercept
  • The distance of Pi from the point where the vertical projection intersects this line is given by d(i)=(m.Xi+c) — Yi
  • We do not want to be worried about negative values. Therefore let us square the above distance. d(i) ² =((m.Xi+c) — Yi )²
  • The summation of the square of the vertical distance of all N points is given by Sum = ∑((m.Xi+c) — Yi )²
  • We can express the summation as a function which is dependent on two variables — The slope m and the Y intercept c
  • The cost function f(m,c) can now be expressed as ∑((m.Xi+c) — Yi)²
  • Since we have 2 variables (m and c) we need 2 equations to determine their values.
  • The maxima/minima of a function can be determined by using derivatives. The point where a function achieves maxima/minima the derivative of the function at that point is zero.
  • We will use partial differentiation to find the values of m and c which yield the lowest value
  • The partial derivatives of f(m,c) with respect to the variables m and c would have to be zero to give us the lowest cost value
  • df/dm= 2∑ ((m.Xi+c) — Yi)*Xi
  • df/dc= 2∑ ((m.Xi+c) — Yi)
  • In the interest of time, I will skip the derivation of the least squares distance formula and straight away present the solution
  • m=(N.Σ(x.y) -Σx.Σy)/(N.Σ(x2) + (Σx).2)
  • c= (Σy — m.Σx)/N

Challenges with least squares method

Scenario — No noise

Perfectly aligned data points

Scenario — A few noisy data points

Data points which are mostly linear and with 1 outlier

Understanding RANSAC — Overview

Before getting into the full details, I have presented a distilled version of RANSAC in this section

  • Randomly select a smaller set of points (n) from the entire distribution (N)
  • Use least squares regression to determine the linear equation which fits the n points
  • Determine the average of the distance of every point N from this line. This score can be considered to be a measure of the goodness of the line.
  • Keep track of the score. If this score is less than the best score obtained from previous iterations then discard the older linear equation and select the current linear equation.
  • Go back the first step and continue iterating till you have completed a predetermined number of iterations
  • Stop the algorithm when a predetermined number of iterations have been completed
  • The linear equation available at the end of the iterations is possibly the best candidate line

We can see that the algorithm is not deterministic and hence the name Random in the acronym RANSAC. It is possible that you may not get the best model.

Understanding RANSAC — Detailed

In this section I have presented the algorithm from the Wikipedia page of RANSAC

  1. MAX = max iterations
  2. n= number of points to pick in every iteration. Could be initialized to 2
  3. best_model = equation of the line with best_error . Initialize to NULL
  4. best_error= The lowest error (average distance) obtained so far. Initialize to a large number
  5. threshold_error=if the distance of a point from a line is below this value then the point is classified as an inlier otherwise outlier
  6. threshold_inliers=minimum number of inliers for a model to be selected
  7. k= count of iterations completed. Initialize to 0


  • k=k + 1
  • if (k > MAX) then stop the algorithm
  • select n random points from entire population. Denote this set by random_points
  • Use least square regression to find the line which fits random_points. Denote this equation by current_model
  • Determine inliers which is the set of all the points within threshold_inliers distance of current_model
  • count_of_inliers =count of points in the inliers
  • if count_of_inliers is less than threshold_inliers then abandon this sample and go to Start
  • Extend the sample by combining inliers and random_points.
  • Use least squares regression to find the line which fits inliers and random_points. This equation is denoted as better_model
  • Determine the average distance of all points from better_model. This is denoted by current_error
  • if (current_error > best_error) then go to Start
  • best_model=current_model
  • best_error=current_error
  • Go to Start



Test 1



Test 2



Test 3



Overview of the code

Source code location

I have used the following tools to author the Python scripts that accompany this article.

  1. Visual Studio 2019
  2. with Python project templates
  3. Python 3.7 engine

The source code can be found at https://github.com/sdg002/RANSAC You do not have to use Visual Studio. I am quite certain that the Phython code should work as it is.

List of Python files and folders

  • RANSAC.py — Outermost Python script which can be executed from the command line
  • GenerateNoisyLine.py — Outermost Python script which will generate a random straight line with salt-pepper noise
  • LineModel.py — Implements a class that represents the equation of a straight line
  • Point.py — Implements a class which represents a 2d point
  • RansacHelper.py — Implements the core RANSAC algorithm
  • Util.py — Utility functions
  • test_??.py — These are unit test classes
  • .\input\ — The folder containing input files
  • .\output\ — The folder where the resulting images are published

Quick start — Generating an image of a noisy line

  • Run the script GenerateNoisyLine.py to generate a rectangular image with 1 line in a random orientation and salt-pepper noise
  • The resulting image will be generated in the subfolder .\out
Straight line with salt and pepper noise

Quick start — Perform RANSAC on a noisy image

  • Run the script RANSAC.py to find the best fitting line in a noisy image
  • The input file is controlled by a variable inside RANSAC.py and the this file should be placed in the subdirectory .\input
  • The output is generated in the form of a new image which has the RANSAC line superimposed over the original line
after running RANSAC the detected line

References and further reading



saurabh dasgupta

Over 22 years experience in software development. Porting C and Fortran code from UNIX to Windows NT. My book on Neural Network: http://amzn.eu/8G4erDQ