Modular Automation Framework (MAF)

Saurabh Gupta
3 min readOct 25, 2023


What Is the MAF?

A modular automation framework is a automation development approach that divides the automation process into smaller, independent modules. These modules can then be reused and combined in different ways to create automated tests for a variety of applications and systems.

MAF Advantages

Modular automation frameworks offer a number of advantages over traditional automation approaches, including:

  • Increased reusability: Time and effort can be saved by reusing modular tests across many systems and applications. Like a automation can be the combination of API, Web, Mobile, Desktop, etc.
  • Improved maintainability: Modular tests are easier to maintain and update than traditional tests, as changes to one module do not typically affect other modules.
  • Enhanced scalability: Modular automation frameworks can be easily scaled up or down to meet the needs of different projects.
  • Improved readability and collaboration: Modular tests are typically more readable and easier to understand than traditional tests, which makes them easier to collaborate on.

Benefits of using a MAF

  • Reduced Maintenance Costs: Compared to traditional testing, modular frameworks are simpler to update and manage because modifications to one module usually have no effect on other modules. Over time, this may result in considerable savings on maintenance expenses.
  • Increased Test Coverage: It is simpler to develop thorough test suites that cover every facet of an application when using modular frameworks. This is due to the ease with which complicated test scenarios may be created by combining and reusing modular tests.
  • Improved Test Quality: OOP concepts and test data isolation are two recommended practises that are promoted by modular framework integration. This may result in test suites of greater quality that are easier to debug and more dependable.
  • Improved Team Productivity: Teams can work together more easily on test automation projects when using modular frameworks. This is due to the fact that compared to standard examinations, modular tests are usually easier to read and comprehend.

Simplest MAF Outline

Simplest Automation Framework Outline, which is robust enough that can be used as a complete CI-CD pipeline and for different type of automation testing.

  • It can be use for combination of #ApiTesting, #WebAutomation, #MobileAutomation, etc
  • Or it can be use as a individual pipeline like only for API or Web or Mobile
  • This outline roboust enough that it would work with different combination of tools and framework like TestNG, BDD, Jenkins, etc
  • Also user can combine any tool like Selenium(Web) + Appium(Mobile) + Rest Assured(API)

Already implemented complete outline as a single framework as well as only combination of any 2.

Moreover, we can integrate Performance (like Jmeter) also if requires.

Note: It shows steps definition which is similar to BDD framework, however we can use same approach in different framework also.

A well-defined automation framework helps to maintain higher re-usability and develops easily maintainable scripts. It is very important to choose an effective automation framework for any project or organization which is more effective and can be used across projects and have higher ROI from the automation project.

I always believe that each orgnaization could have different requirement hence instead of using some existing framework completely utilize it and modify as per orgnization requirements.

Related Blog in Pipeline

  • Approach of an Effective Automation framework — Will discuss what should be analyzed before creating an automation framework.

Thanks for reading, love to discuss different thought processes it help to analyze wider.

