Emotional Echoes: How Reactions Mirror the Soul Within

Saurav Adh
4 min readJan 16, 2024


Emotions come and go, happiness, sadness, grief, frustrations all of these emotions whether negative or positive come and go, they flow like a never-ending river. The sounds of emotional echoes will always remain and the reactions to those echoes reveal a person's inner being.

To make it into a simple analogy take an example of an orange, if you squeeze it, orange juice will come out, not apple or grape juice, whatever is within comes out. The same applies to us humans, when we get squeezed, whatever is within drips out. A person who has hate within pours out hatred, a person who has anger pours out anger, a person who has love pours out love a person who has peace pours out peace. Everybody has all emotions within them but what comes out as a reaction mirrors what the inner being has the most.

When I look back I remember one of the ungrateful things I did, I hurt a decent girl who had nothing but love to give me. To this date, this incident remains one of the worst emotional games I played with a person. Today I have already taken accountability for it and have forgiven myself but I had to do a lot of reflection before I could forgive myself. While reflecting on my actions I was trying to figure out why I did what I did, and why I had to hurt her so badly. A lot of reflection gave me an insight that I had hurt within me that I had to pour out. I was hurt by some other person and I poured that into someone else.

I bleed on the person who didn’t cut me.

It was very clear to me that my keeping my wound inside unprocessed had let me into a situation where I poured it into someone. That day I not only just forgave myself but also realized that whatever I have within, whatever emotional tangles within in unsolved, and whatever reaction I chose to express my emotions were all reflecting my inner self. What was inside of me was coming out.

As I started digging inside of me I found a lot of unsolved emotional tangles within me, and I could relate negative reactions to situations with all my unhealed wounds. I had a lot to work on(I am still working on it), healing the wounds, unrooting the hatred, calming the anger issues, and understanding where behavior comes from. That is how it all began for me.

If you start digging in yourself too you will find a lot of unhealed wounds that have been dictating a lot of reactions in your life. If you see a person who is short-tempered and gets angry and pissed off easily he or she has anger within that’s being poured out, and that anger is a trigger coming out of a wound, If you see hatred coming out, if you see a person cussing a lot, if you see restlessness, any reaction you see everything just reflects the inner soul. A person with hurt inside hurts and bullies others, a person with anger inside gets frustrated and stressed a lot, and a person with hatred inside hates a lot of life situations. A person reacts accordingly to what he or she has within.

I used to be a short-tempered person, I was a restless boy, who couldn't stop I had to be moving and doing something, I used to get angry easily, my mom used to say that I have the anger in the tip of the nose. 4–5 years ago when I began reflecting on many things in life is when I found out a lot of thing about my wounds my emotional baggage and ever since then I have healed a lot of my wounds, cleaned out emotional baggage and emptied the cups within me where my reactions used to come from. Those cups are now filled with calmness. I rarely get frustrated, I react calmly to all the situations in life whether it be good or bad.

Your reactions to life circumstances and people mirror your soul. Look inside of yourself reflect on things and ask yourself why do I get angry over this? why do I hate that? why am I so egoistic? why do I always cuss? ask yourself minor questions and as you go within you will find a lot of emotional baggage that you have been carrying and how your soul is tiredly carrying that baggage. If your soul walks carrying emotional baggage you will have a lot of negative reactions to situations in life, anger frustration, and hatred all become common. As you start to unbundle the baggage you will see yourself peacefully handling the negative emotions without pouring out any negativity into others.

Remember your reactions reflect your inner selves, if your reactions to things in life become positive you have successfully unbundled your emotional baggage. Now your soul walks tirelessly. All there will be is peace, love, calmness.

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Saurav Adh

I write to share a view through my experiences, knowledge, and observation helping you for personal growth. e-book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BSTQSSHP