Deploy Flask App to Heroku under 3 minutes

1 min readMay 19, 2019

This will be a short tutorial to deploy your Flask App to Heroku. In this tutorial, I am assuming that you have already created your Flask app and have created an account in Heroku. I will publish a detailed tutorial soon.

  1. Navigate to the folder where you have the Flask app through terminal.
  2. Type the following things which are inside the “ ” in terminal.

“heroku login” — This logs you into your heroku account

“heroku create”

“git init”

“git add .”

“pip freeze > requirements.txt”

“touch Procfile” — This creates a procfile.

“open Procfile” — This will open the file and now type “web:gunicorn app:app” on the file. Save the file and close.

“ git commit -m “First Commit” ”

“git push heroku master”

3. You just finished deploying your Flask app to Heroku. In order to open it simply type “heroku open” on your terminal.

This was a short tutorial. Please let me know if you want a detailed one.

