Israel Vs Palestine — A deeper issue that could ignite World War 3. Let’s know why there is a conflict between two nations.

Saurav Gosain
4 min readOct 20, 2023


Red — Israel // Green- Palestine

The conflict between Israel and Palestine is a complex and deeply rooted issue with historical, political, and religious dimensions. It is important to note that describing the situation as “Israel at war with Palestine” oversimplifies the complexities and nuances of the conflict. The conflict between Israel and Palestine primarily revolves around competing claims and aspirations for self-determination, statehood, security, and land rights in the region known as Israel/Palestine.

The root causes of the conflict can be traced back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries when Jewish and Arab nationalist movements emerged in response to various political and social factors. The competing national aspirations of both Jews and Arabs resulted in tensions and clashes, leading to cycles of violence and disputes over land ownership.

The establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, following the United Nations partition plan, led to a war between Israel and neighboring Arab states. The war resulted in displacement and the creation of Palestinian refugee populations, which further fueled grievances and perpetuated the conflict.

The status of Jerusalem, the borders of Israel and a future Palestinian state, the right of return for Palestinian refugees, and the control of settlements in the occupied territories are among the key contentious issues. Both Israelis and Palestinians have made territorial claims and have engaged in negotiations, peace processes, and armed confrontations over the years.

The conflict has gone through various phases, including periods of relative calm and intense violence. Efforts to resolve the conflict and achieve a lasting peace have involved numerous international actors, including the United Nations, the United States, the European Union, and regional organizations.

It is important to recognize that the views and narratives surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can vary significantly depending on the sources and perspectives involved. Achieving a peaceful resolution to the conflict remains a significant challenge, requiring dialogue, compromise, and respect for the rights and aspirations of both Israelis and Palestinians.

Some recent efforts made to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Please note that the situation may have evolved since then. Here are a few notable initiatives:

  1. Oslo Accords: The Oslo Accords were signed in the 1990s and aimed to establish a framework for peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). These agreements led to the creation of the Palestinian Authority and outlined a phased process for Palestinian self-governance in parts of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
  2. Peace Initiatives and Negotiations: Over the years, various international actors have been involved in peace initiatives and negotiations, including the United States, the United Nations, the European Union, and regional organizations. Efforts have been made to bring the Israeli and Palestinian leaders together for direct negotiations to address the core issues of the conflict.
  3. Roadmap for Peace: In 2003, the “Roadmap for Peace” was presented by the Quartet on the Middle East, consisting of the United States, the European Union, the United Nations, and Russia. The roadmap outlined a series of steps to be taken by both Israelis and Palestinians towards the establishment of a Palestinian state and an end to the conflict. However, the implementation of the roadmap faced significant challenges.
  4. Arab Peace Initiative: The Arab Peace Initiative was proposed by the Arab League in 2002. It offers a comprehensive peace plan, suggesting that Arab states would normalize relations with Israel in exchange for a full Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories and a just solution to the Palestinian refugee issue. The initiative has been reiterated several times but has not yet resulted in a breakthrough.
  5. United Nations Resolutions: The United Nations has passed numerous resolutions addressing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, emphasizing the need for a two-state solution, condemning Israeli settlements, and calling for an end to violence. However, the implementation of these resolutions has been challenging due to political divisions and differing interpretations.

The conflict between Hamas and Israel has involved a series of attacks and military operations carried out by both sides. Hamas is a Palestinian militant group that controls the Gaza Strip, while Israel is a sovereign nation. The conflict between them is part of the larger Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Hamas has been responsible for launching rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory, targeting Israeli cities and communities. These attacks have often resulted in casualties and damage to infrastructure. Hamas has also utilized other tactics such as suicide bombings and border infiltrations.

In response to these attacks, Israel has conducted military operations targeting Hamas and other militant groups in the Gaza Strip. These operations have included airstrikes, ground incursions, and naval actions. Israel has aimed to disrupt Hamas’ military capabilities, destroy rocket launch sites, and dismantle tunnels used for smuggling and military purposes.

The cycle of violence between Hamas and Israel has resulted in civilian casualties and significant humanitarian challenges, particularly for the people living in Gaza. The densely populated Gaza Strip has limited resources and infrastructure, making it particularly vulnerable to the impact of military operations.

Efforts have been made by the international community to mediate ceasefires and de-escalate tensions between Hamas and Israel. Egypt, Qatar, and the United Nations have played roles in facilitating negotiations and brokering temporary truces. However, achieving a lasting resolution to the conflict remains a significant challenge.

