Top 5 Data Science Project ideas for Beginner 2021.

This project is for beginner so that they can start their journey in data science and artificial intelligence.

Sourabh Yeshal
5 min readAug 17, 2021
Seating  in front of laptop and working on project
Photo by Burst from Pexels

Everyone should know about data preprocessing and data cleaning. Its like to collect dataset and remove unnecessary stuff like column, row and null value form dataset. And present our data in a standard format. You should have good knowledge about python programming and R programming language.

Data science has been called “the sexiest job of the 21st Century” by Harvard Business Review.

Businesses use data scientists to source, manage, and analyze large amounts of unstructured data. To manage dataset have lots process so should have good analytical skill to analyze and visualize data.

1. Sentiment Analysis

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Sentiment analysis help to understanding customer review in business and big company . Lots of people give their review about product and some related things about business. It is not possible to check all customer review because of large amount of data and its time consuming so we analysis our customer data in NLP (Natural Language Processing). Natural language processing is a subfield of linguistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence. NLP have the ability to understand meaning of the human language.

There are plenty of thing that you can analyze like amazon customer review, twitter review ,Rotten Tomatoes and Their Reviews and movie review, etc.

I recommend you to check this project in the following :

  1. Twitter review click here
  2. Sentiment analysis project in python of movie review.

2. Chatbot Project

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Chatbot is use automate conversation with customer and people. Chatbot agent is machine programming system that understand customer problem and try to conversation with them by 24/7. There are lots of chatbot are available in the market like Siri, Cortana and Alexa chatbot. Now a days chatbot agent are mostly use in website and mobile application. In chatbot human can communicate with voice and text and its artificial intelligence (AI) feature that can be embedded and used through major messaging applications.

I recommend you to check this project below.

1. Chatbot Project with Python

You need some basic knowledge about python and NLP. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is use for to understand customer meaning because machine can understand customer feeling and problem but if we give them a proper instruction then its possible customer will satisfied.

2. Google DialogFlow

This is User interface generated chatbot agent, in which you can direct put your solution of the problem via text without knowledge of any programming language.

You can try this free with custom feature.

3. Time Series Analysis and Forecasting

Time series forecasting is most of the time solve forecasting problems and its show graph in a time series plot. Time series is a time-oriented of observations on a variable of interest. The process of a time series forecasting is to connect activities and transform one or more inputs into one or more outputs.

The activities in the forecasting process are :

1. Problem definition
2. Data collection
3. Data analysis
4. Model selection and fitting
5. Model validation
6. Forecasting model deployment
7. Monitoring forecasting model performance

There are some examples of time series forecasting.

  1. Total sales of a product during in month, week and day
  2. Daily closing price of a specific stock on the New York stock exchange.
  3. Track and Record of daily weather condition

If you want to read deep about time series forecasting then I will suggest to read this article with python code.

4. Recommendation System

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Internet and web-Services have been increase within a few decades, and the information is now powerful tool. Many e-commerce firms recommend their product to user and make benefits out of it. A recommendation system aim is to give suggestion and solve user overload problem by using personal information and user experience. Some e-commerce website like eBay, Amazon and Flipkart are using recommendation system. It take massive amount of information data from user and try to give best recommend product, so customer needs will be satisfy.

There are mainly to two types of recommendation system

  1. Collaborative filtering : Its take customer past information like user search, user rating on product, product likes, and favorite collection list, etc. And predict and give similar kind of product by using their information. Most e-commerce website are using collaborative filtering.
  2. Content-Based filtering : This method is based on description of the item and a profile of the customer’s preferences. Its search specific keyword in a product (name, description and location) and based on that gave suggestion.

some example of recommendation system are :

  • News Websites
  • Social Media Platforms
  • Stock Trading Support Systems
  • Movie Recommendation System

I suggest you to read this article with python code. Movie recommendation system project with python. Click here

5. Object Detection System

Photo from Wikipedia

In object detection and recognition is based on computer vision and image recognition. And its require lots of data to recognize object in image and video. object detection is able to provide valuable information for semantic understanding of images and videos, and is related to many applications, including image classification, human behavior analysis , face recognition and autonomous driving cars.

Human easily can detect object in image and video but machine require specific amount training to recognize object. Deep learning based object detection approaches, that provide a review on the history of deep learning along with an introduction on the basic architecture and advantages of CNN.


This all project need some basic amount of knowledge about python programming language and machine learning. Once you try this project, you get an idea how to start you own making project journey in different framework and project. There are lots of project available of types in online but make some change on project or try to choose different algorithm of the same project so that you can dirt your hand in data science.

I hope you like this content.

Thank you



Sourabh Yeshal

Computer Engineering and Technology | Writer | AI Professional