Savanah Loftus
2 min readApr 16, 2016


I concur! And would add Hillary Clinton’s stance on Climate Change is frightening. Her actions show that she doesn’t care about the future for her your grand daughter or our children. Spreading fracking around the world, taking money from fossil fuel and fracking lobbyists. Calling natural gas a “bridge fuel” is dangerous and still a buzz word to “sell” a horrid process that as result destroys the land and poisons the water.

“Hillary Clinton using natural gas to get of fossil fuels is like using OxyCodin to get off Herion.” -Mark Ruffalo on Twitter

I do wish that more people would do more research on Bernie Sanders. It seems the Clinton supporters are doing their research to combat Bernie NS defend her, rather than opening their minds to actually see all of the incredible things he has done for the people and veterans of Vermont and the USA or recognize this revolutionary action and wave that has surged in an effort to take back our democracy.

That’s part of of the sleep mode though. These Hillary Clinton supporters actually believe this multi-millionaire “public servant” still cares for the people even though she is so far removed from the people she has to make “field trips” to working people homes to “understand” — I’ll tell you Bernie Sanders lives a few streets over from my family’s home in Burlington, Vermont no gate or gaurds. He LIVES in the community. He is the people.
Lastly, talking about her work with children when she was first lady makes me laugh. That’s what all first ladies do, children are always the subject of focus for first ladies. Thank you Michelle Obama for raising awareness to school lunches and nurtrition. God knows child obesity is off the charts and we also know Hillary Clinton is taking millions from Monsanto lobbyists the giant agri-business cashing in on the obesity, she’s also taking millions from pharma lobbyiests who ALSO profit off of sick, fat, unhealthy children.

